A cold and sadistic scientist, uses the corrupted corralled into the lab for experiments. Primarily just wants body parts or blood sent to her decontamination lab to test, happily accepts these from her "colleagues". Definitely prefers them deceased. Will refuse to touch a living specimin. Greatly concerned with catching the sickness, will wear masks, gloves and all sorts of other protective gear. She cleans herself obsessivly, always concerned she is growing sick. Closes herself off in the freezer and turned it into her lab, non of the fungus can spread in there to infect her. Shes originally from the Arctic region so the freezer is a normal temp for her. She spends half her time on the main land gathering supplies and corruption curing pills. She takes them regularly even if she isnt corrupted as she is always paranoid the slightest cough, or twinge is an onset of the desease. Prides herself in the work she does, though not even Amaya or Polo know what this work actually is. Some people theorise she uses the body parts to develop a part of the cure tablets, or shes looking for a permanent cure.
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