Owned by StarfallAbyss

Approaching a cathedral in ruins, with it black moss growing on the walls, and purple vines that hang from the caved in roof, you look at the defaced statues of various holy figures. Could have happened since the cathedral was in such a decrepit state, or someone could have done it themself. You get the feeling that there is more to the cathedral. Like a well kept secret. This place feels wrong. Forbidden even. You want to turn back, but curiosity grips you and you tread the broken steps. 

"Welcome to the Abyssal Cathedral, wanderer."  A voice eerily rings out, the empty walls echoing the eerie and soft words. 

And in front of the broken pew, stood Lethe. A prophetic nun who had fallen from grace. But instead, they have succumbed to something far more sinister. Something eldritch that gnaws and writhes in the very dark of the cosmos above.

But something about them feels off. Maybe it's the horns in their eye sockets. Or is it the many eyes that they have on their face and palms. Or is it the two summons floating besides them, also clearly not of the world. 

Still, you can't shake off the feeling that the otherworldly nun and the cathedral don't belong here. 

And neither do you. 



Lethe - They/Them (Nonbinary)

Bio Pending!! 

Headcanon brainrot:

Lethe speaks in third person. This could stem from the fact that they're not all there?  from corruption maybe? Maybe the Divine Dark has something to do with it?  Or a combination of all three? I got lots of ideas for how this could go. 

• Living up to their namesake, Lethe has no recollection of who they were pre-corruption. And their memory is very poor, so don't ask them to remember stuff.

• The summons (and by that, I mean just the angel) do guide Lethe in a way. The angel does chime noises, as exhausted as it appears, the lil angel does most, if not all, of the work to make sure Lethe does their duty as the cathedral's keeper. The eldritch blob is just there. Getting in the way and being a chaotic lil gremlin.