Owned by Viipeach

Name: Akane
Age: roughly 300 years old
Species: Lockette (Fox)
Gender: Female
Height: 5" 5
Sexuality: Bisexual
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Occupation: "Mother"
Personality: -In the past Akane was very gentle and kind, but these days most of that kindness has withered away if you are not a member of her clan.
-She has a tendency to treat those around her other than her clan elders like her children, Akane believes Kayoko would want her to take care of those around her, especially the young and weak. This doesn't include humans of course.
-To her clan members, she is one of the most reliable members they have. She takes on the roll of a mother most of the time, making meals and taking care of the other members. Though she also serves as one of the top huntresses for the clan, bringing back plenty of meat to feed everyone aswell as defending them fiercely. They are the only ones who will get close enough to her to understand her truly and know the suffering she endures..the only ones she will ever open up to fully or rely on.
-To any lockettes she doesn't know, she is often very polite and reserved. Akane is caring in a certain way to them, often like a mother, but she keeps her distance otherwise.
-To humans she is at best cold and hurtful, at worst...well, they'll love her to start with. She'll put up her act of the perfect wife, seducing them, making them meals...and then when they finally let their guard down, they will suffer the most they ever have in their life. That's when she will strike, killing them and any other humans around, ripping their liver from their torso and devouring it..sometimes while they are still alive.
-She is more merciful to human women, and even more so to human children. She will end their lives quicker when it comes to women, and with children she will do it as painlessly and comforting as possible..after all, it's not their fault they were born into such a species. She even gives the children proper send offs, leaving them with traditional offerings, burning incense and when she can, burying them. Very rarely she will even spare children's lives, should she believe they genuinely will not harm lockettes as they age.  
Style: -Akane primarily wears traditional Japanese garments.
-She prefers the more relaxed and elegant yukata for when she is simply going about her day to day life in the clan, sometimes her favorite crimson kimono if it is a special event or celebration.
-For her "hunts", she will often wear something looser but more provocative, donning what is considered her signature outfit.
Likes: -Caring for clan members, especially the young or new ones
-Making meals, especially finding ways to encorperate her favorite meat..
-Sitting by Kayoko's grave and talking to her..gifting her things and bringing meals.
-Hunting..especially when she finds a connection to that man.
Dislikes:-Having to kill human children. Its always sad..but she cannot risk them growing up into monsters.
-Losing prey. She hates it, until she finds them again Akane can never get then off her mind, it consumes her every thought.
-Making anyone in the clan sad or fearful, especially the young ones...even worse if they found out how violent Akane can be. She would never hurt them, she does everything to protect them.

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