Queen Iola's Secretary
Gender - Female
Age - 150
Sign - Cancer
Height - 5'8"
Demeanor - Bubbly
Lalasa is too young to remember a time before Queen Iola ruled, but she bears the scars of her parents' experiences during the war against humans. Both her parents, then children, were orphaned by the bombing of Harmony, and rushed into marriage in their mid-twenties, desperate to have family once more.
Despite the turbulence of their parents' relationship, Lalasa and her siblings did grow up very loved and cared for. She also was raised with a fear of change and violence. Even action movies scare her, because of the violence often involved.
She is extremely frightened of corrupt dextroluma, and a bit uneasy around even cured dextroluma who she does not already know, such as Queen Kebechet.
Lalasa works hard to ensure that Queen Iola's schedule is organized, and that paperwork does not build up on her Queen. She coordinates communication between Queen Iola and the various governmental agencies of the Verdant Kingdom and Aerius, schedules her meetings with agencies, other Royals, dignitaries of other species, and more. Some think she's too young for such an important role - or at least too young to be Queen Iola's only secretary, and sometimes Lalasa wonders if they might be right. Still, she is highly devoted to her Queen, and her Queen is devoted to her in turn. (If only that devotion didn't come with her attempts at cooking...)
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