Owned by QuietDemons
Image #884
Uploaded: 8 months and 2 weeks ago
Last Edited: 8 months and 2 weeks ago
No additional notes given.
29 January 2024, 22:54:28 EST

Can be gifted
Can be traded
Cannot be sold
No commercial rights
Sale Value
No additional notes given.

Notice: user-made terms are not binding, unless you have provided an electronic signature to the designer in question. You are responsible for obtaining and recording the version of the terms you agreed to.

Reneri@TH's Terms
Reneri@TH is an off-site user and is unable submit their terms to the site.
Lollilumi's Terms
as of 2023-08-28 09:55:12

If you are interested in purchasing an adoptable design from me, please read this document carefully before doing so. Reading these terms and conditions is a requirement to buy my designs, and I will operate under the assumption that you have read them. If I find you breaking these rules, you may end up on my blacklist.

General TOS



  • Reselling and Trading my designs: If you purchased the design, whether from me or someone else who purchased it, you may resell the design, but only for as much as you originally paid! You may only add the value for any art you purchased yourself. Gift art or art received by other non-monetary means does NOT apply to this, please keep it fair. Feel free to trade or give my designs away freely.
  • Credit: I will always post my designs on Toyhouse and transfer them to the new owner. If you do not have a TH account, I may store them in mine, and transfer them if they are traded to a user who does have an account, so in this situation please notify me so I can do so. Keep my creator credit intact- do not delete and reupload the character with yourself as the creator. Doing so might get you blacklisted from owning my designs in the future. Do not repost my original adopt artwork other than on TH, stash or equivalent for storage purposes, and always credit me, ideally with a link back to my profile. You do not need to credit me every time you or someone else draws the character, but feel free to tag/show me- I love seeing what you do with my designs!


  • Redesigns: I do allow changes to be made to my designs as long as they remain recognizable and you still credit me. No need to ask me for permission to change some things around! (Exceptions may apply for Closed Species- read the corresponding section for more information on that.) If all you are wanting is colour changes, I will gladly do those for you as I usually keep my layered files around. If you are wanting bigger changes to the design, I may be willing to do those for a fee, feel free to just ask and I’ll gladly do it if I have the time! (Also again, limitations may apply for Closed Species designs)
  • Banned Users and Blacklist: If you are blacklisted, I will not rescind your ownership of the design, but you will be forbidden from owning/receiving any of my designs in the future. If you knowingly trade/sell my designs to a blacklisted user, you will be blacklisted as well, so please familiarize yourself with my blacklist and refrain from passing my designs onto those users. If I have you blocked anywhere, you are not permitted to own my designs, period- though if that is the case, I guess I’m not sure how you made it here to read this in the first place. 

Closed Species Designs


I am a Mod/Guest artist for several closed species, and I have designed personal MYOs for some others. These rules specifically apply to those designs!


  • When receiving a CS character designed by me, please note that the species’ TOS apply in addition to mine, so please read them carefully. In case of conflicting information (e.g. I allow redesigning, but the species does not/has different limitations) the more restrictive rule applies.
  • Redesigning Closed Species designs: I do allow changes to be made to my designs, but some species have specific requirements to change things like traits, like needing to purchase upgrades, or things that are not allowed to be changed, so please check species rules carefully before redesigning.
  • Removing my designs from a species: Please ask me before doing this. This would be on a design-by-design basis, as there are some designs I’d be fine being removed and others I would rather not. Please also check with the species what else is required of you in order to remove a design- you may need to remove certain traits and design elements and get the design approved by a species mod before it can be officially removed.
  • Converting my designs into a species: If the design in question is a non-species design to start out, I am perfectly fine with them being converted into a closed species as long as the species allows this as well and you have the appropriate MYO slot. Please just notify me of which species you’re wanting to convert it to and what you will be changing. 
  • Species I am not comfortable with my designs being converted to: Dremmies ; Munchzies ; Booze Sharks
  • Converting from one Species to another: I am generally not comfortable with this. If they are a CS design, you may remove them from their original species and turn them into a non-CS character (after receiving my permission), but you may not convert them into another closed species. For this rule, the original state of the design always applies: if it was a CS design originally, it may not be converted into another CS at any point. No, not even if you convert it into non-CS first and then convert to a different species later- this would be considered skirting the rules. Similarly, if the design started out as a non-CS, was converted into a CS and then removed, you can convert it into another species later on, I don’t mind. Please be aware of a design’s history if you are not the original owner, this rule also applies to any conversions done by previous owners.
  • In a similar vein, AUs: Generally I am okay with species AUs for characters I’ve designed, however be aware that there are species that do not allow this so check with them first if you’re hoping to create one! If you create AUs, always keep them together when traded so that there isn’t multiple versions of the same character floating around. 
  • Banned Users and Blacklist: If you are blacklisted, I will not rescind your ownership of the design, but you will be forbidden from owning/receiving any of my designs in the future. If you knowingly trade/sell my designs to a blacklisted user, you will be blacklisted as well, so please familiarize yourself with my blacklist as well as those of the CS in question where available. Obviously, if you are banned from any of the species I am a guest artist for, you are not allowed to own my designs for that species. It probably also means that you are on my blacklist and thus not allowed to own my designs in general, but this is not always the case, so when in doubt, just check.

No commercial rights