Owned by v0id_matter

Umbrasyl is almost completely feral. Thanks to the decapitation they aren't able to speak but can growl, rasp and make noises. They are incredibly territorial and will protect their area by attacking and drowning any dextro that pass through. Not evil, just very protective. Also very hungry, the corruption and necrosis have increased their metabolism tenfold and they're always ravenous, they never seem to get full. Known to eat those they drown & keep their bones as trinkets to decorate. They keep the items of their victims too, like a little hoard of shiny things. If you offer them new shiny items in trade or food, they're more willing to ignore you/let you pass. Music is also great for calming them.

The part of the swamp they live in is nasty and corrupted, it's oozing black sludge that smells like rot. They can swim through it like water, but it greatly reduces the mobility of all others that walk through.

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