Owned by GutsandGays
Image #1170
Uploaded: 8 months and 2 days ago
Last Edited: 2 months and 1 week ago

No additional notes given.
2 December 2023, 03:08:26 EST

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High Archivist of the Grand Archive

Gender - Female
Age - 335
Sign - Libra
Height - 5’10
Demeanour - Distant

Nepra is the current acting High Archivist at the Grand Archive in the Verdant Kingdom. Her family have served the royals as archivists for as long as the archives have existed. While she is a trained archivist, Nepra didn’t want this to be her career. After her mother, the previous High Archivist, was corrupted following the death of her father and aunt, she stepped into the role. Initially it was supposed to be temporary, just till someone else could be trained to take the role. 

No one else has volunteered.

She would’ve liked to have followed in her father’s footsteps instead, to be the one making the discoveries instead of simply documenting them, but as the years pass on it seems that is no longer in the cards for her. For what it’s worth, she’s long since accepted she will live the rest of her life in her mother’s shadow. 
Most people would describe her as cordial, but cold. She shows very little emotion and when she does, its usually just mild annoyance or mild intrigue.  They don't hold it against her. There is a great sadness that looms over her, never mentioned but omnipresent. Ghosts flicker in her eyes, phantoms of the wars she has bore witness to and the loss she has had to face because of them.

In the scant free time she gets, Nepra enjoys playing the flute, spear fishing and going diving, though she has not done that in many years. 

Notice: user-made terms are not binding, unless you have provided an electronic signature to the designer in question. You are responsible for obtaining and recording the version of the terms you agreed to.

GutsandGays's Terms
as of 2023-08-28 09:55:12
  • All my designs by default have a no commercial use clause. If you wish to use my designs commercially, please contact me and we can discuss royalties. 
  • I prefer to sell to toyhouse users, and in a case in which a buyer does not have a toyhouse account and does not want to make one, I will hold the character in storage in my own. If this is the case I must be kept up to date with the current owner, and if that owner has a toyhouse account, they will be traded the character. This is to keep permissions and credits in order. 
  • Do not delete and then reupload the original character profile on toyhouse. This is to keep the ownership log and credits in place. If you are moving accounts, transfer the character. If I find you have done this I will blacklist you. 
  • Redesigns are completely permissible and, unless a Closed Species, do not need to be passed by me.
  • Please ask my permission, or at very least let me know, before converting a design of mine into a closed species, or into a different one. I would ask you to respect my wishes if I say no, as I am uncomfortable with my designs being associated with some species. This doesn’t apply to removing a character from a species, but you will still have to officially notify the species admins. 
  • Reselling is permitted, provided you paid for the character in the first place. Reselling above the bought price is only permissible if additional art is purchased (with provable evidence, if you wish to resell please keep a log with receipts)
  • Make any form of profit from my designs and you will be blacklisted.
  • While not mandatory, if you keep your characters hidden I ask to be at least list authorized so I can keep tabs on the character. In the case of Lockette, Dextroluma, Kipitin and Mediborg designs, authorizing the official toyhouse accounts is more than enough. 

No commercial rights