At this time we can either hide all of the masterlist from visitors or have them visible to the public. Hiding all of the masterlist may turn away visitors and new members from the site if they can't see clear examples of the species! As for individually setting characters for logged-in only, we have no future plans for such a feature as it would require further custom code! (And we are unsure how finicky it would be for such code to work) At this time, we feel an authorization feature is sufficient enough for the group <3
2024-04-19 21:24:55
Feature Comment
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PuffinDoodle Staff Member
At this time we can either hide all of the masterlist from visitors or have them visible to the public. Hiding all of the masterlist may turn away visitors and new members from the site if they can't see clear examples of the species! As for individually setting characters for logged-in only, we have no future plans for such a feature as it would require further custom code! (And we are unsure how finicky it would be for such code to work) At this time, we feel an authorization feature is sufficient enough for the group <3
2024-04-19 21:24:55
Feature Comment