Event dailies are active only during the event they correspond to. Since the Flu Season and Winter Spirit Event have officially ended and a new event has begun the daily has been removed and a new one has been put in its place! Our Newbie Guide has some information on site features if you need further information! https://www.dextroluma.com/guides/7.newbie-guide
Thanks so much and I'm sorry for the late response! I'm still getting used to the layout of the site. It looks like all my unused currency is gone forever :') I will try to be more careful this time
All currency is removed seven days after the end of the event! So there is a little cushion time for people to buy things
Events periods run as follows
January - February
March - April
May - June
July - August
September - October
November - December
2025-01-20 21:27:42
Feature Comment
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PuffinDoodle Staff Member
Event dailies are active only during the event they correspond to. Since the Flu Season and Winter Spirit Event have officially ended and a new event has begun the daily has been removed and a new one has been put in its place! Our Newbie Guide has some information on site features if you need further information! https://www.dextroluma.com/guides/7.newbie-guide
2025-01-13 18:36:17 (Edited 2025-01-13 18:38:06)
Feature Comment
Thanks so much and I'm sorry for the late response! I'm still getting used to the layout of the site. It looks like all my unused currency is gone forever :') I will try to be more careful this time
2025-01-20 15:16:37 (Edited 2025-01-20 15:17:30)
Feature Comment
PuffinDoodle Staff Member
No worries! Happy to help
All currency is removed seven days after the end of the event! So there is a little cushion time for people to buy things
Events periods run as follows
2025-01-20 21:27:42
Feature Comment