Comments on [Open] Valentines Day Babes!

Avatar of xXLilLottieXx

Claim dext 981

2025-02-14 17:08:28

Avatar of Xenobaby

Sure thing! Thank you so much! Please send $10 to And the other $50 to

2025-02-14 17:27:41

Avatar of xXLilLottieXx


2025-02-14 18:00:29

Avatar of Xenobaby

Got it! Thank you so much for your support! I hope you enjoy her! She was such a fun design! She’ll be sent over to you shortly! 🖤

2025-02-14 18:04:58

Avatar of xXLilLottieXx

I'm fighting with myself on grabbing the second one lol! I love them both. 

2025-02-14 18:14:17