Milk 'n' Cookies


Despite lingering at Rodeo Ruff for a bit, you haven’t gotten the chance to follow Milk into the kitchen - but you’ve caught him now as he brings out a tray of cookies for the pets.


“Oh, it’s you again, can I help you?”


You mention being curious about the kitchen and the process of making cookies, both the magical and non-magical ones, and he beams happily at you.


“Oh, I see! Do you want to learn how to make cookies?”


You’ve never wanted anything more in your life.


“Well, you can come into the kitchen with me after I distribute these, and we can make some basic cookies and then I’ll show you some of the tricks to making them.”


“I’m so happy we were able to get things worked out for Blossom to start carrying their seeds, even if the amount is limited still, having access to cowcaps like my darling Sugar Cookie helps so much for being able to make cookies.”


You’re thrilled to get to learn about making cookies, especially the fancy magical ones, and can’t wait to start.