Mini Seashells

In Seashells ・ By Diluculi
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Mini Seashells
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In Seashells ・ By Diluculi

Batch of small shells, each painted to be reminiscent of one of my lockettes. I had only watercolours and cheap markers available. It's not an ideal combination, but it worked well enough, I think.

Top left to right:
first row: Hayley (roange and blue diamone pattern, playing cards), Kuutar (supposed to be a crescent moon), Letho (supposed to be a purple rose on green/black bg with white lace), Hati (white wolf head)
second row: Akiko (red Koi fishes), Haruna (pale purple/pink/blue gradient with blue crescent moon), Hathor (horns over red to yellow sunset), Tesni (red dragon)
third row: Styx (black crown on blue/black bg), Carol (red ribbon with bells on brown bg), Sedna (black tentacles on green bg, air bubbles), Zavaria (blue/black space with white stars)
fourth row: Felicé (pale pink bg, with pink roses), Vega (green bg with purple and pink planets and yellow lightning), Ruby (red with spots to resemble her tail, white and black to resemble her hair), Steampunk Tiger Lockette (red bg with stripes and cogwheel)
fifth row: Ainsley (cream bg with green vines and blue flowers), Asteria (pink/purple bg with white crescent moon), Ulrike (red heart gemstone to resemble her charm)

Submitted By Diluculi
Submitted: 8 months agoLast Updated: 8 months ago


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