Opting Out
So far, Félicie had avoided hearing too much about the war among the Dextrolumas. It was an internal affair, she told herself. There was simply no point in getting invested. It was happening far away and she couldn't do anything anyway to influence its course. With no outside meddling involved by the aggressors, wouldn't it be kind of... wrong to attempt to tip the scales?
Yet no matter how hard Félicie tried to ignore the news, these information always seemed to find her. New reports included updates on the front lines right before the weather forecast. Which was odd, if one wanted to be kind, or voyeuristic if one wanted to be cynical. Félicie was not really sure what to think about it, but she disliked how some kinds of reports were treating the war like a twisted game, comparing numbers of losses as if they were scores.
She also was not interested in listening to experts, real or self-proclaimed, who predicted wins or defeats, only to be proven wrong by reality the very next day. It was also annoying how most people around her formed binary opinions on the war. You either had to call Queen Morgana a bloodthirsty monster seeking to destroy the entire planet, or else you were condoning attacks on innocent civilians. The third option of not getting emotional invested was less and less available with each passing day. It was endlessly tiring.
This wasn't her war. It shouldn't be invading so much of her surroundings, of her mind. Yet it did, as if the attacking forces had been deployed to Maquette instead of another nation on Aerius. But there was still one way to escape the grip of hysterical media. She could still turn it off or leave the conversation. It was a privilege, she knew that. But at the same time, it was also necessary for her self-preservation. Her losing her mind in Maquette was not going to help a single soul in Aerius either.
Submitted By Diluculi
for Battle Reactions
・ Location: Elsewhere in Maquette
Submitted: 3 months ago ・
Last Updated: 3 months ago