2) snow globe
Fog coated the glass with each breath Anahera took. It made it difficult for her to see the interior of the snow globe, and was the inevitable result of how close she had pressed her face to her shiny new trinket.
Well, strictly speaking, it wasn’t hers. It was her mom’s snow globe. They had gone to a shop, and Stellara had spotted the snow globes and gotten an idea.
She was now excitedly talking about it on the phone to someone - Anahera wasn’t sure who. She could make out interesting words like ‘set piece’ and ‘imagine’ and ‘touring’. Those all excited her. Set pieces were for when her mother performed on stage, which meant her mom would somehow incorporate these into her act. Imagine was always fun - Anahera loved to imagine new things with her mommy! Touring was also very fun, they always got to see interesting places and everyone on the tours was always so exciting.
Of course, what had Anahera pressed so close to the snow globe was that she was having difficulty with understanding how, exactly, these would be set pieces. She’d seen a lot of set pieces in her short life, and she knew they had to be huge. So why was her mommy talking about these tiny little things as set pieces? Mommy was far too big to climb on any of them.
Maybe she would juggle them? Anahera had only ever seen one juggler, but the experience had firmly cemented the concept in her mind. She wondered if she could juggle the new set pieces herself… She’d never seen Mommy juggle, but if she had gotten these snow globes to juggle on tour, she must know how. Maybe when she finished her phone call she could teach her…
Submitted By chamalaeon
for Promptcember
Submitted: 2 months ago ・
Last Updated: 2 months ago