9. Reindeer
Carol always had a soft spot for reindeers, and it was barely surprising, considering that all of her animal traits were those of a reindeer. She even had artificial legs and feet that resembled hooves. She often wore a headband with artificial antlers attached to it, too. But she was not only drawn to them because of the shared physical characteristics. To her, these animals were incredibly pretty. Like all deer, they had such elegant movements, and their fur was so soft and fluffy looking. Petting them must feel amazing, she was sure of it. Then of course, there were their impressive antlers. But most of all, Carol loved their big, dark eyes, and downright admired they're seemingly calm and patient nature. Surely, they could simply wander south to find less hostile habitats, but instead these animals braved the harshest winters, and travelled over what looked to be nothing but snowy wastelands. They were able to make do with what little their surroundings offered, which was very impressive in Carol's opinion. She could never do that. Despite not needing the sustenance in the same way they did, she had taken a liking to food. Compared to reindeer and caribou, she was a glutton.
Submitted By Diluculi
for Promptcember
Submitted: 1 month ago ・
Last Updated: 1 month ago