12) Ice Crystals

In Prompts ・ By chamalaeon
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Sometimes, Roksanni wasn’t sure which walls in the caves were ice and which were crystal. They were all sparklingly blue and white, a disconcerting blend that had made it difficult to sleep when she had first stumbled into them. Everything seemed bright as dawn within the caves at all times, even when she couldn't figure out where the light was coming from.

It was secure enough to keep her safe, and empty enough not to endanger anyone from the things that were drawn to her, at least. She'd learned to manage (mostly by covering her face in the thickest blankets she could manage to bring down into the winding tunnels of the cave).

She did wish she knew which ones were which, though. She wouldn't be able to do anything about the crystal ones, of course, but if she knew which ones were ice, maybe she could melt them. There'd be stone underneath, maybe? (Or maybe not, and she'd trigger a collapse in a glacier...) She didn't know much about glaciers, though, just that they were like continents made of ice, and that Glacia was a big one. Unfortunately, she didn't know where her caves were in relation to a map, and she still couldn't be bothered to get one of those...

Still, she wished she could just melt the ice and have her fantasies of getting to sleep in the dark once more.

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12) Ice Crystals
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In Prompts ・ By chamalaeon
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Submitted By chamalaeon for Promptcember
Submitted: 2 months agoLast Updated: 2 months ago

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