25) Holly
Making a wreath from holly was more difficult than Freita had expected.
She had made an evergreen wreath last year, and it had been simple enough, even if the pine needles had been a little annoying and prickly.
Holly... was worse. It couldn't cut through her shell, of course - it wasn't nearly strong enough for that, fortunately. But if she had been organic, she suspected the leaves might well have covered her skin in cuts by now. They seemed designed to hook into things and to scratch and tear at anything that walked through them. Trying to affix the leaves to the wreath shape she had made was simply nightmarish.
She just had to keep reminding herself that it would, at least, be pretty. That was easier said than done, though, because she was only a quarter of the way through by the time she started wanting to quit making the wreath. Honestly, she could see why humans liked plastic stuff so much now. If she had a choice between a plastic wreath and having to make her own one with a supremely uncooperative plant, she was pretty damn sure she would choose the plastic any day.
Halfway through, she decided to just say fuck it, toss the rest of the holly, and grab some nice fir branches to finish off the rest of the thing. What a horrid plant.
i cut myself once on holly as a kid and it shows
Submitted By chamalaeon
for Promptcember
Submitted: 1 month ago ・
Last Updated: 1 month ago