Prompt | It's Baking Time !

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The time of year is simply lovely, There's snow on the ground and it's cold, able to keep warm with blankets and fireplaces.. Ette isn't much of a romantic but it's his Anniversary with his partner. Something inside him is just screaming for him to make the occassion special.. so he's going to try.  Ette isn't a cook or a baker, but he feels complied to bake something for his partner.. He's never done something like this before, but he's got himself a baking book and a ton of recipes and ingredients.. He's going to give it his best shot.


Firstly he needs to decide what to make. He swipes through the pages of the book. There’s cookies.. cupcakes… cakes and pies.. he thinks to himself that he should start off simple and small, but what if he makes a batch of cupcakes that taste horrideous? i guess he can bake a few cookies, it shouldn’t be too wasteful if they come out bad.

Ette continues through the book and looks through the recipes, there’s so many good ones. Theres so many different pies and other various baked goods he’s never even heard of, he starts to change his mind on the cookies.. maybe Cy would enjoy a good old pie? but before he could settle on a pie recipe he lands on a cookie recipe and decides to stick to it.

Ette takes his time to read the recipe over and then starts the process of making the dough, He makes sure to check the recipe after every step, he doesn't want to mess this up. It takes him a few minutes but he finishes the ingredients for the dough and he gets to shaping the cookies. These are special for Cy, So he's shaping them like bunnies.
Ette chuckles to himself, Thinking how kind and..cute this is. He's not like this, but something this time around just calls him to do this.. He likes the change of pace.Ette finishes shaping the cookies and placing them on the tray, He looks into the book and sees that he has to set the oven, He's not from these times so a stove isn’t exactly.. first nature to him, it takes him a few minutes but he manages to turn on the oven and get it pre-heated. Once it's pre-heated he places the pan with the cookies inside and he closes up and sets the timer.


Ette feels excited and can't wait to see the end results, So he takes off to keep his mind busy while they bake. There's a few other things Ette wishes to do for their anniversary so he goes off and gets that set up.

Once the timers up, Ette returns to take the cookies from the oven, this time with Cy in hand. he takes the cookies out of the oven excitedly and places them on top the stove and looks at them, suddenly disappointed. it appears the bunny shape didn’t stick and they’re just normal old shaped cookies.. he sighs.

Cy puts his hand on Ette’s back and rubs it “It’s okay, I still love them” he smiles softly, giving Ette a kiss on his cheek

“I’ve never been good at this stuff..” Ette replies

That’s okay, You did great.” Cy smiles more.

Ette and Cy wait for the cookies to cool down, Ette takes the first cookie, He bites into it and looks pleasantly surprised by the taste, the shape may have been ruined but the cookie actually tastes like a cookie! he urges Cy to take a cookie himself and he does. He bites into his cookie and smiles wide, nodding in approvement.

“This is amazing Ette!” He exclaims

Ette smiles and looks relieved “I thought they were going to come out horrible.. it’s my first time ever making anything”

Cy nods and takes another cookie. "They're delicious. I wouldn't beat yourself up about the shape, They don't need it" He smiles more

For his first bake, Ette's cookies were somewhat successfull, They may not have been bunny shaped but they tasted amazing. Ette and Cy shared the rest of the cookies together and continued on with their evening, doing the rest of the events that Ette had planned for them.. Dispite a successful first attempt, I highly doubt there will be anymore.

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Prompt | It's Baking Time !
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In Prompts ・ By GrimReaperSlaughter

Ette doesn't bake, spare him 

Submitted By GrimReaperSlaughter for It's Baking Time!
Submitted: 1 month agoLast Updated: 1 month ago

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[Prompt | It's Baking Time ! by GrimReaperSlaughter (Literature)](


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