Submitting MYOs, Additional Refs and Redesigns Guide

Created: 20 June 2024, 20:32:02 EDT
Last updated: 4 November 2024, 00:46:25 EST


We’ve gotten this far and it’s time to submit your design! Let’s go over the requirements below to do exactly that! This will also apply not only to the main masterlist image, but additional reference images as well:

- The image must be a .PNG file

- The image must be no bigger than 1500px by 1500px

- The image must be TRANSPARENT, this means no backgrounds or additional effects applied to the reference.

- Design must be front facing and have ALL traits visible, nothing hidden or cut off.

- Design must include one (1) full body design only showcasing all traits (No close up shots, details etc). This image can be nude (or barbie nude) and will be censored as such if so.


Go to your Inventory and select the MYO Item you wish to use (Scroll for Dextroluma, Eggs for Gextro and Draphibians, Mysterious Crystal for Legacy MYOs, Etc). It will be at the very top under MYO
Check which slot you would like to open, and the amount. You can select multiple and open them all at once! Then select Open.

You should be taken to this page, where you can navigate to your MYO slots page through the newly created link, or from the My MYO Slots in the Inventory side bar. 


Submitting a MYO design

To submit your MYO to the masterlist, please follow the steps below! Please be sure to click the save button after each tab has been filled in so you don’t lose your progress!


 Go to your MYO slots page and select the masterlist entry

from there click Submit MYO Design on the sidebar and then click Create Request.

Bronze Passport 


Go to the Comments tab.  It's optional, but here you can type out any comments you have on the design. For Legacy MYOs, here you include a toyhouse link to the character you want to upload to the site to prove you own them! Even if you don't comment, make sure to click Save!


Go to the Masterlist Image tab and upload your design following the guidelines above. You may use the image cropper to create a thumbnail, please ensure the thumbnail is a close up of your Character's face, though we can always fix this mod side if it’s a little off!

Please be sure to add in designer and artist credits!

When saved and refreshed, it should look like this! 


If your design has additional traits such as mutations, you will apply these in the Add-Ons tab. Be sure to add the items from your inventory, these will be removed upon approval! 

You can type in what item you would like to select in the search bar. For this example its a Tears of the Damned, which is checked off. Make sure your quanity is also the amount you want!
If you don't have any Add Ons, you can just click save!


Once you’re done with Add-Ons, move over to the Traits tab, here you will list ALL traits your character has. This step may get confusing but don’t worry if you mess up, everything can be fixed on the admin side!

For Dextroluma, each requires a subtype to be submitted, the subtype in this case is in regards to their status (Eye color). Are they pure, cured or corrupt? Please select one. Lockettes and Dexettes have no subtypes.

The Transformation box can be left blank, If you leave it blank, the uploaded image will come up under "Main" reference. 

When listing traits, it can get a little overwhelming but that’s what this guide is for! For reference you can follow this list when submitting your MYO.

Dextroluma Traits:
- Fin style
- Fin placement
- Horn amount
- Horn placement
- Baubles (if any)
- Regional traits (if any)
- Glow color
- Any additional traits such as mutations or seasonal (if any)

Lockette Traits:
- Charm Shape
- Collar Type
- Chain (if any)
- Keyhole Type
- Keyhole Amount
- Shell type
- Saura Type
- Summon Type
- Summon Amount
- Any additional traits such as mutations or seasonal (if any)

Do NOT submit a Title if the option appears.


We’re done with all the important bits! move back to the Status tab and finally click Submit Request.

Now all that’s left to do is sit back and wait for an admin to approve your design! If you have any issues listing traits or credits, these will be fixed by an admin. However, if there are issues with your design a moderator will cancel your submission and list what needs to be fixed. You can keep tabs on your pending, approved and rejected designs via the Design Approvals page.


Submitting additional reference images

Once a design has been approved you may submit additional references as needed! This includes nude references, alternate outfits, back views, pure/cured/corrupt forms.


To submit these images you must go to your approved character, then Update Design on the sidebar.

Then click on Create Request.

That will take you to a very similar page to the MYO Approval, and will function similarly.


You can add comments if you wish, but if you don't have anything to add you can just leave it blank! Make sure to still hit Save at the bottom, as it won't let you submit the request unless every tab is acknowledged!

Move on to the Masterlist Image tab, which is where we will upload the additional reference image. Make sure you add the designer (one who made the design) and the image artist (who drew the image) as well! This has to be done for every image you submit. Make sure to hit Save again!



Add Ons are for MYOs and redesigns, so we will be leaving that blank as well. Still hit Save though! 

Next we move on to the Traits tab. Here we'll ignore everything except for the Transformations drop down menu, where we'll select what we want this additional referenced labled as. In this example, I'm uploading a nude reference, but there is also alternate outfit, misc,  summons for lockettes and dextro who have seasonal trait and mermaid if your dextroluma has the Pearlescent Pin!

Head back to the Status tab and select Submit Request. Once it's confirmed, you're all done! Into the queue it goes!



Redesigning or updating a design is similar to that of submitting additional reference images, except it will replace the main masterlist image and the old images will be labeled as outdated
Note with redesigns, even with trait upgrades a design must remain at least 80% visually similar to the originally approved design, not any other redesigns that came after. An additional MYO slot can be used to change the bar to 50% similar, but anything less than that it is recomended to just make an entirely new character.

To do either of these, go to your characters masterlist entry and click Update Design on the sidebar.

Make sure to include the changes you have made in the Comments tab! These include non trait changes and trait changes. 
Non Trait Changes are anything that do not affect traits and thust don't require any add ons. This includes,
- hair colour
- minor changes glow or skin colour (slight shift of hue, saturation or brightness)
- gender presentation or body type
- fin or horn integrity
- horn style or shape
- adding, removing or changing a single tail
- adding, removing or changing glow markings 
- no changes, just a reference image update

Trait Changes are anything that affect any traits. These must include the correct trait item in the Add-Ons section. For Dextroluma, these are Elixirs and can be found at Enchanted Elixirs for standard trait changes and  Verdant Castle for mutations! 
Each of these Elixirs are needed to make changes to different traits.

Cosmic Brew for within or below rarity changes, such as 
- changing fin styles

- adding, removing or changing placement of fins
- adding, removing or changing baubles
- changing horn amount or placement

Moonshadow Vial for upgrading to Rare HORN amount or placement, for example
- changing from two horns (common two or less horns) to four (rare three or more)
- changing from horns being only on the head (common standard horn placement) to horns also being on the body (rare unique horn placement)
- adding on to a prexisting common MYO for the use of rare horns

Nectar of the Siren for upgrading to Rare FIN style or placement, for example
- changing from butterfly fins (common) to elven fins (rare)
- changing from fins being on the shoulders and legs (common standard fins placement) to fins only being on the back (rare unique fin placement)
- adding on to a prexisting common MYO for the use of rare fin styles or placement

Prismatonic for drastic changes in glow or skin colour, for example
- changing the glow colour from green to yellow
- changing the skin tone from a baby blue to a deep navy 

Tears of False Purity is for turning a cured or corrupt dextroluma Pure
Tears of Salvation is for turning a pure or corrupt dextroluma Cured
Tears of the Damned is for turning a cured or pure dextroluma Corrupt


Hit save after you're done!

Go to the Masterlist Image tab to upload your redesign! If the designer of the new reference is different from the original designer,  make sure to add them as both an artist and a designer! You can find the "add artist/designer" button as the small plus at the end of the designer/artist URL box.

Now we head to the Add Ons tab where we will add items from out inventory to be consumed by the design. In this example, I am adding a Draught of Death. I've filtered out my inventory to just the strong elixirs using the filter drop down menu to make it easier to find. I also have a Tears of the Damned selected, but that is not visible in this screenshot due to the inventory filter.


Next is Traits! Since I have added on a Tears of the Damned, I'll be changing her subtype, right under the species. Since she already had a mutation, I don't need to change her rarity, but if she didn't I'd also need to change that!
Right at the very bottom I'll click Add Trait and type in Fatal Damage, the trait the Draught of Death grants us. 
Once again, HIT SAVE!

We have everything filled out! All now we have to do is head back to is switch back to the Status tab and click submit! then into the queue she goes! Wahoo!! All done!!