The following is a visual guide of the stages of the corruption.
Each will feature a key symptom which must be included in designing a dextroluma in that stage, all other symptoms are optional.
KEY SYMPTOM - Blackened Eyes
Eyes fade to black over the course of a week, may be tinted but must be recognisably black.
Other Symptoms:
- Dimmed Glow
KEY SYMPTOMS - Darkening of Extremities
Extremeities such as the horns, the fins, baubles, and limbs begin will darken. This can appear as a gradient or as snaking veins. This darkening can persist after a dextroluma has been cured.
Other Symptoms:
- Broken/Cracked Horns
- Visible, Dark Veins
- Fin Tearing
- Cracking of the Skin
KEY SYMPTOM - Blackened Scar Tissue
The skin thins and the cracking seen in the second stage becomes full lacerations. All scar tissue produced will be deformed and black, leaving permanent marks that will still persist after being cured.
Other Symptoms:
- Infectious Fluid Leaking from Lacerations and Orifices (eyes, nose, mouth etc)
- Blackened Heart
- Rotting Teeth
KEY SYMPTOM - Tearing of the Flesh
Flesh will become haphazardly torn, exposing muscle and bone. This is notably different from the fatal damage mutation, as the splitting is not clean and is deeply infected.
Other Symptoms - Partial or complete blackening of muscle tissue.
KEY SYMPTOM - Fungal Growth
The dextroluma begins to rot from the inside out. All forms of fungus begin to fester on the skin or in the wounds to feast on the dead tissue. At this point, the dextroluma is basically a walking corpse.