Earning Crystals for Art

Created: 25 April 2024, 20:34:01 EDT
Last updated: 30 June 2024, 22:26:54 EDT


When creating art (drawn or written) of your characters (Dextroluma, Gextro, or Draphibian) you will be able to redeem them for Crystals ! Crystals can be used to purchase a variety of items on-site such as MYOs, Trait Upgrades, Pets, Decorations, and More!

You can redeem your art for Crystals  by submitting them to General Submissions or under the corresponding prompt they were created for and attaching the correct Criteria Rewards.
Please note that rates may be changed later on if deemed necessary! 

Where to submit art

There are several places you can submit or post your art so it can then be later linked in prompts for Crystals . For most prompts you can post your art either privately or publicly, however, some prompts require it to be publicly posted such as the Gifting Chain and Featured Dextroluma. Always check the requirements to see where you can and can not post!


General: For any non-prompt related art! Should the entry be NSFW in nature please submit it to Explicit
Prompts: For any art created for a prompt! Should the entry be NSFW in nature please submit it to Explicit
Gifting Chain: For pieces created for the Gifting Chain! Should the entry be NSFW in nature please submit it to Explicit
Explicit: For any art that is NSFW or explicit. Please review the guidelines for NSFW submissions in the Explicit Gallery before posting
Contest: For any active contest entries! 


Sta.sh (Writing or Art)
Toyhouse Images (Right-click and open the image in a new tab)
Toyhouse Literature (Make sure you have the piece viewable to the public) 
Google Drive (Link must be set to viewable to all who have it) 


What are Criteria Rewards and how do they work? 

Criteria Rewards are essentially our site’s Art Calculator! By filling out Criteria Rewards the value of your Art will be automatically calculated for you in Crystals ! There are several Criteria Rewards that will pop up in the drop-down. Every Prompt will have the following options: Drawn Dextro Calculator, Drawn Gextro Calculator, Drawn Draphibian Calculator, Written Calculator, and Additional Calculator

Please note that for some submissions you may be required to include multiple calculators! Should the piece have multiple "Art Types", an additional Drawn Dextro Calculator Criterion will need to be added. For example, a Half body and a Headshot in one piece would require two Drawn Dextro Calculators to properly get rewards. If the piece has backgrounds, props, or animation an Additional Calculator will be needed!

How to submit prompts

Step One: Find the Prompt You’re Looking For!
Navigate to the prompt page and look for General Submissions or the corresponding prompt 

Step Two: Link Your Submission!
Link your piece in the Submission URL on the prompt submission page. If you forget this step your prompt will be rejected!

Step Three: Add Comments
This is typically an optional step! If you have any questions or concerns you can ask them here and a mod may respond when approving or make corrections for you! If your piece is explicit, NSFW in nature, or contains potentially sensitive content you MUST give content warnings for the linked submission. Repeated failure to do this may earn you a strike

Step Four: Add Criteria Rewards! 
This is how your art will be calculated! There are several Criteria Rewards that will pop up in the drop-down menu. Every Prompt will have the following options: Drawn Dextro Calculator, Drawn Gextro Calculator, Drawn Draphibian Calculator, Written Calculator, and Additional Calculator.  Please note that you may need to add multiple Calculators for one submission to properly get the rewards for your piece! 

Step Five: Add Your Characters! 
You can add your characters by typing in their character code! This code either appears as DEX-000 or MYO-000. For NPCs, their character code will be their name. Please make sure to link all the characters featured in the piece UNLESS it’s for an NPC prompt in which you should only be linking one character! 

Step Six: Add your Add-Ons! 
This is a step that only applies to certain prompts called “Quest” prompts! In these prompts, you will be required to add a specific item in the “Add-On” section to be consumed by the prompt. Please NEVER add Keepsakes to this section of the prompts as it means you will lose them and your Keepsake bonus will no longer apply! 

Step Seven: Hit Submit! 
Submit your prompt and await approval or rejection! If your prompt has been rejected a mod will explain what needs to be changed to have it approved! Should you have any questions feel free to open a private ticket for a discussion about the piece.




Below you'll find our Art, Written, and Additional Crystal Calculators. You can view additional information and more detailed guides underneath each one!


To see terms for the Drawn Dextroluma Calculator please view this guide!

Draphibian ART

To see terms for the Drawn Draphibian Calculator please view this guide!


To see terms for the Drawn Gextro Calculator please view this guide!


To see terms for the Written Calculator please view this guide!

Background, Props, and Animation

To see terms for the BG, props and Animation Calculator please view this guide!


Art Examples


Sketch Linework: Example 1 | Example 2Example 3

Clean Linework: Example 1Example 2Example 3

No Color: Example 1 | Example 2 | Example 3

Flat Color: Example 1 | Example 2 | Example 3

Shaded: Example 1 | Example 2 | Example 3

Headshot: Example 1 | Example 2 | Example 3

Half Body: Example 1 | Example 2 | Example 3

Full Body: Example 1 | Example 2 | Example 3 

Graphic Background: Example 1 | Example 2 | Example 3

Simple Background: Example 1 | Example 2 | Example 3

Complex Background: Example 1 | Example 2 | Example 3

Small Prop: Example 1 | Example 2 | Example 3

Medium Prop: Example 1 | Example 2 | Example 3

Large Prop: Example 1 | Example 2 | Example 3

Minimal Animation: Example 1 | Example 2 | Example 3

Simple Animation:  Example 1 | Example 2 | Example 3