Crystal Grant

Posted 3 months ago :: Last edited 1 month ago by chamalaeon

CrystalsCrystal grantCrystals

As you're aware, there was a slight *fuck up* on site and everyones Crystals vanished into thin air! After viewing our logs and finding nothing at all we've decided it be best to ask users to send in claims to retrieve the crystals tey once had!


We are so sorry this happened and so along side your previous currency we will be granting an additional 20 Champagne glassesChampagne Glass + 350 crystalsCrystals As compensation :sadpuddle: Please forgive us... You may claim the compensation at Verdant Castle


Please send a claim on site with the form below!
Crystals Needed: (Please give a rough estimate or exact amount if you remember!)



Avatar of XXLilithofthedeadXXCorrupt Avatar Frame
Crystals Needed: 500 or 600? I can't exactly remember since my phone crashed and I'm just now accessing stuff 😭

2024-10-13 00:05:47

Avatar of LunathystColorful Lights Avatar Frame
Lunathyst Staff Member
granted ♥

2024-10-13 21:28:27

Avatar of xFroggiiiPlanets Avatar Frame
Crystals needed: I don't remember but they were around 250 or 300 and something I think? I've been inactive for a while and honestly can't remember ç_ç

2024-09-03 10:22:31

Avatar of LunathystColorful Lights Avatar Frame
Lunathyst Staff Member
granted ♥

2024-09-03 12:32:24

Avatar of xFroggiiiPlanets Avatar Frame
Are you sure they were 300 tho? ;v; I'd feel like stealing :C

2024-09-03 14:29:13

Avatar of pandanen
Crystals Needed: 212 (double checked from my bank logs)

2024-08-31 17:50:06

Avatar of LunathystColorful Lights Avatar Frame
Lunathyst Staff Member
granted ♥

2024-08-31 19:59:54

Avatar of MissMango
Crystals Needed: I believe it was around 260 Thank ou so much in advance 💖

2024-08-29 13:25:15 (Edited 2024-08-29 13:25:28)

Avatar of LunathystColorful Lights Avatar Frame
Lunathyst Staff Member
granted ♥

2024-08-31 20:00:07

Avatar of Kaeilia
Crystals Needed: 356 (Last I remember looking, at least? I haven't paid attention the last few days >.< but that is close!)

2024-08-29 07:19:00

Avatar of LunathystColorful Lights Avatar Frame
Lunathyst Staff Member
granted ♥

2024-08-29 11:22:56

Avatar of Kaeilia
Thank you so much! Hope you guys figure out what happened D: 2024-08-29 19:17:00

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