Welcome to December

Posted 3 months ago :: Last edited 2 months ago by PuffinDoodle

Welcome to December!

In addition to the continuation of the Flu Season & Winter Spirt event and Promptcember…  We have some new things for December!  (And no, we definitely didn't forget that December was going to hit us...)

Monthly Features

We’re happy to announce our features for this month!

We selected plushieemokid as our artist of the month - they’ve been submitting a lot of cute art on site and we’ve loved seeing it in the gallery and as we approve prompts!

Our character of the month belongs to chamalaeon.  We selected Stella due to her fun vibes.

If you commission a featured artist or draw a featured character during the month they are featured, you can submit them to the features prompt for a nice five crystal reward in addition to the normal rewards you can earn for art.

New Prompts

Check out the new monthly prompt - Naughty or Nice?

Additionally, there is a vote in the discord server for whether or not people want to do a secret santa or not, please visit the discord to learn more.

Site Updates

We are still working on fixing some of the bugs that popped up from our move to Lorekeeper 3.0, so please bear with us as we deal with those.

Additionally, due to repeated and frequent difficulties with dA and TH logins/registrations, we're opting to follow suit with other Lorekeepers to just remove them.  We'll be removing them from site on December 5th, 2024, please set up an email and password via your site settings before then.  If you have difficulties doing so or are unable to do so before the deadline, please open a private ticket in the discord.

We’re still working on getting items for Lockettes, Dexettes, Kipitins, and Nunuluma made for the site, but you’ll get another announcement when each ones’ items are ready.  It’ll take some time, as we fit it in around preparation for our already planned events.  We have plans made for Aerius-centric events out till January-February, and have scheduled our first Maquette-centric event to occur during March-April, and our first Ignis-centric event for next September-October.


Shard Hunt

Keep an eye out and get the Scavenger Hunt ping role in the discord to get notified whenever the next Shard Hunt begins and ends, or if there are any hints for it!

As with the all our scavenger hunts, do not beg in the discord for hints or spoil it in there.  This is just a fun game - if you don't find it fun, then we suggest focusing your energy on the things you do find fun!

(The shard below is NOT a claimable one, this is just to show you what they look like!)

Available Adopts

There will be new batches coming this month, but if you’re in the market for a new design and don’t want to wait, there are a few batches still open!  At some point, we’ll also be trying to get our unsold Lockettes from pre-site batches onto the website.



Nitro Booster Rewards!

We try to give our nitro boosters some little rewards each event period.  For Flu Season & Winter Spirit, each booster recieved a frosted cookie! We appreciate you all for the boosts and hope you enjoy your goodies this month!  In October, they had the opportunity to preclaim on a Halloween set by Lunathyst, as well as to vote on what nation for @chamaleon to add new locations.

Frosted Cookie


Look Forward To...

I wonder what we’ll have coming in January?



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