Regional Trait Contest
Posted 5 days ago :: Last edited 3 days ago by LunathystRegional Trait Contest!
It’s time for our first contest on ! This should take a few of you back to the old days where we asked users to design a new region & regional traits! Little throwback there if you were around!
This contest will be a bit vague in places and we’ll do our best to answer any questions you have!
There is one new region that has been planned for a while now, all that’s left is their regional traits! Exciting!!
So let’s get onto this contest shall we?
About the Golden Steppe & Silver Rift
The Plains & The Valley Region
The Golden Steppe and Silver Rift lie on a continent that has been magically sealed off for several centuries now. A contemporary of Queen Lotus, the King who ruled the Golden Steppe resented his subordination to the planet's ruler. As a powerful mage, he eventually chose to cut off the continent from the rest of Aerius. Although no one has been in or out of the continent for some time, Dextroluma with traits native to these regions may still be found in the wider world, although many Dextroluma nowadays are somewhat unaware of them.
Read more about The Golden Steppe here
Read more about The Silver Rift here
Following the guidelines provided below, we'd love our community members to help design some new regional traits for The Golden Steppe & Silver Rift!
A description has been provided above for the location to help inspire you!
Simply put, The Golden Steppe's environment is similar to Plains, and the Silver Rift's environment is similar to Valleys.
Draw anything from new fin styles, to new growths and more! Get creative and follow the guidelines if you're stuck!
- These traits cannot be similar to any other existing traits within the Dextroluma species. This includes regional, seasonal, admin and mutations as well.
- These traits are specifically for Dextroluma species only. So please keep this in mind when designing!
- The drawing must be clear, it can be sketched, uncolored, lined only, as long as we can understand what's going on!
- Bases can be used so long as credit is given!
- By entering this contest, you're agreeing that your design concept will be used on
- By entering this contest, you understand that we might make changes to your concept upon its final release and that you agree with this usage..
- By entering this contest, you understand designs will be sold using your concept and that you agree with this usage.
- Every member who participates with a valid entry will recieve 5 at the end of the contest!
Note: You will not earn additional event currency if you submit more!
Submit your entries to the Regional Trait Contest Gallery
Please ensure there are no heavy watermarks and traits can be seen clearly! You must also state which region you’re designing traits for in each entry in the description!
Every member who participates with a valid entry will recieve 5 at the end of the contest!
Note: You will not earn additional event currency if you submit more!
Winners will receive x1 Seasonal Trait Potion each!
This potion can be used for Dextroluma, Lockette and Dexette.
- Winners concepts will be redrawn to match the style of the site.
- Winners will be credited in the trait description.
The contest will end April 4th Midnight EST
We have a handy timer for you here to keep track of!
Q- Can I enter more than once?
A- You absolutely can enter more than once. However each entry must be seperate.
Q- Can I draw more than one in a single entry?
A- Due to the participation reward we ask that each trait you design is a new seperate entry.
Q- Can we collab with a friend?
A- No collabs are allowed for this event at this time as we cannot split the prizes.
Q- Can it just be a sketch?
A- As long as the sketch is clear enough and there are comments we will accept them.
Q- Can I use a base?
A- Bases are welcome so long as credit is given!
Good Luck Everyone!!
If you have any questions or concerns, please use our discord questions channel or open up a private ticket!