Meet Nepra!
The following is information related to the prompt!
This item allows you to earn an additional 4 bonus Crystals should you include Nepra alongside the character that earned it in future submissions.
For this prompt, you may complete ONE of the following options.
The Grand Archive in the heart of the Verdant Kingdom is home to all recorded history of Aerius, from ancient flora and fauna long since passed, to the emergence of the regions, to the founding of the monarchy and subsequently the Archive itself, to the war with the humans and now, the corrupt. The archive has it all. Every Dextroluma who has ever lived has been recorded here. Your Dextroluma has been lucky enough to get a guided tour of the faculty by the High Archivist herself. Are they excited to see the grand architecture or are they here out of obligation? Would they pester Nepra with questions or would they find a nice corner to go to sleep in? Perhaps more importantly, how long would it take them to find the forbidden books section or mess with the capsule pipelines? They connect to all the regional archives, you know.
It’s well known Nepra comes from a long line of archivists, the hall of archive leaders could practically double as her family tree. Even so, it’s rumoured she was promoted to High Archivist unwillingly following the mysterious disappearance of her mother. On an especially quiet day in the Archive, you find the normally deadpan Nepra on the top floor looking unusually wistful. She expresses that she did not want this position, that all her life she wished to be an ocean excavationist and explorer. Now, as the only surviving matriarch, she must wander these halls like her mother did, as her mother before her. She asks if you worry about your legacy, and the legacy of those who lived before you. What does your Dextroluma do in this situation? Maybe they have their own pressures or expectations from family, or struggle with what people will think of them when they’re long gone.
The following are the requirements that each submission needs to meet to be approved.
- Option 1: Draw or Write your character exploring the Archive with Nepra!
- Option 2: Draw or Write your character discussing whether or not they feel like they have to live up to an expectation with Nepra!
Drawn Art Minimum: Two Lined and Colored Half Bodies
Written Art Minimum: 1000 words (Maximum Word Count 3000)
The following is any additional information relevant to the prompt.
On-Site Locations:
- Prompts: For any art created for a prompt! Should the entry be NSFW in nature please submit it to Explicit
Off-Site Locations:
- (Writing or Art)
- Toyhouse Images (Right-click and open the image in a new tab)
- Toyhouse Literature (Make sure you have the piece viewable to the public)
- Google Drive (Link must be set to viewable to all who have it)
- This prompt can be completed ONCE per character you own.
- Each character must have their own unique prompt submitted to earn the Keepsake. Multiple characters can not earn the Keepsake in a SINGLE prompt. You can include multiple characters but only one character per prompt receives the Keepsake. Please only add the character you intend to receive the reward in the character section and NO other.
- You can submit Gift Art to earn additional Crystals!
- If your piece is explicit, NSFW in nature, or contains potentially sensitive content you MUST give content warnings for the linked submission.
The following are the rewards you will receive from completing the prompt
+ 20 Crystals
+ 1 Simple Folder to your character's inventory
+ Crystal Value added by the Drawn Art Calculator
+ Crystal Value added by the Written Calculator
+ Crystal Value added by the BG, Props, and Animation Calculator
Reward | Amount |
Simple Folder | 1 |