[Open] Take me Home!

Posted 10 months ago :: Last edited 6 months ago by chamalaeon
Flatsale: DEX-779[Closed]
Design: Junneshi ・ Art: Junneshi
Price: $30
Claim Here

Junneshi is not on site!

Flatsale: DEX-698[Open]
Design: Junneshi ・ Art: Junneshi
Price: $40
Claim Here

Junneshi is not on site!

Flatsale: DEX-781[Closed]
Design: chamalaeon ・ Art: chamalaeon
Price: $40
Claim Here

Flatsale: DEX-782[Open]
Price: $50
Claim Here

This is a collab between Chamalaeon & Vioclipse

Flatsale: DEX-786[Closed]
Design: CrystalBerri ・ Art: CrystalBerri
Price: $20

Flatsale: DEX-785[Open]
Design: CrystalBerri ・ Art: CrystalBerri
Price: $35

Flatsale: DEX-784[Closed]
Design: CrystalBerri ・ Art: CrystalBerri
Price: $35

Flatsale: DEX-802[Closed]
Design: CrystalBerri ・ Art: CrystalBerri
Price: $20

♥ Reposting our unsold adopts from the discord officially on site ♥
Prices vary for all!!

NOTE: Some designers may not be on site! In which case, I will be contacting them through DMs :>

♥ Please Claim in the comments below! DESIGNERS will get in contact with you for payment ♥


Avatar of TheImmortalKid
Featured by Owner
I'd like to purchase 786 please!

2024-06-10 00:05:47 (Edited 2024-06-10 00:25:47)

Avatar of CrystalBerriGlittering Crystals Avatar Frame
CrystalBerri Staff Member
Sure thing! Whenever you get a chance to you can send payment here as goods and services and no address and they'll be sent your way. 💜 https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/crystallizedphoenix/20USD

2024-06-10 02:30:06

Avatar of TheImmortalKid
Sent! Sorry about the delay, I was sleeping lol

2024-06-10 10:48:12

Avatar of Ghostking
I would like to claim 780! i commented on the th listing but i wasn't sure <3

2024-05-31 09:34:04 (Edited 2024-06-10 00:25:51)

Avatar of LunathystFrosty Avatar Frame
Lunathyst Staff Member
I've DM'd the designer to let them know you've claimed jic! Let me know when you've paid and I can transfer them over! ^^

2024-05-31 10:49:25

Avatar of HeartStorm4everVerdant Mushrooms Avatar Frame
It's a shame that they didn't get homes. I love DEX-782, but, unfortunately, I can't afford her, so good luck on selling them all! ^^

2024-05-21 18:59:31

Avatar of PinkLunaFaeLesbian Pride Avatar Frame
Any chance I could do Dex-784 on a hold? I get paid Thursday

2024-05-21 13:51:09

Avatar of CrystalBerriGlittering Crystals Avatar Frame
CrystalBerri Staff Member
Hello! I'd prefer not to do holds right now if possible but if their still here then feel free to come back to claim them. Thank you so much for the interest. 💜

2024-05-21 15:07:55

Avatar of TheGhostlyBeingBlighted Mushrooms Avatar Frame
Featured by Owner
I wanna buy Dex-802 please!

2024-05-21 13:30:34 (Edited 2024-05-21 14:27:58)

Avatar of CrystalBerriGlittering Crystals Avatar Frame
CrystalBerri Staff Member
Sure thing! Whenever you get a chance to you can send payment here as goods and services and no address and they'll be sent your way. 💜 https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/crystallizedphoenix/20USD

2024-05-21 15:06:53

Avatar of TheGhostlyBeingBlighted Mushrooms Avatar Frame
Payment has been sent!

2024-05-21 15:08:30

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