Enchanted Elixirs

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Enchanted Elixirs is rather loud as you enter the shop.


To your surprise, neither Mirrani nor Violet is behind the counter - rather, the Mysterious Shopkeeper is there, and… arguing with Peppy?


“Well if your supplier is so reliable and makes enough surplus that you still have stock, there’s no reason you can’t put me in contact with them. Patients depend on the cure for their well-being!”

Mysterious Shopkeeper

“You can always send them here while your supplier gets their act together, if you’re so concerned with their health.”

Mysterious Shopkeeper

“Our cure isn’t inferior just because it’s generic brand.”


“I made the Necrosis, Necrosis Go Away! brand cure after the advancements that led to the initial cure, and it IS better!”

Mysterious Shopkeeper

“Did you now? Is that why you’ve avoided proper clinical trials by swearing all the ingredients and ratios are all the same?”

Mysterious Shopkeeper

“Or why you cozy up to… Queen Iola, and avoid a lot of routine inspections?”


Peppy seems to stiffen, and her voice is low, almost threatening, as she speaks.


“Leave Iola out of this conversation.”

Mysterious Shopkeeper

“Why don’t you leave my shop instead? If you don’t, I can assure you the public might learn some things you’d rather they don’t.”


You duck into an aisle as Peppy storms out, so that she doesn’t see you, and glance after her.

Mysterious Shopkeeper

“Children these days… So impatient.”


You look at her as you step back out, and she twirls some of her veil around her hand.

Mysterious Shopkeeper

“She’s too interesting for me to ever expose, unless she does anything stupid towards my shop. But I’m sure she’ll cool down and realize the steps she actually needs to take to switch suppliers.”

Mysterious Shopkeeper

“It certainly isn’t trying to coerce competitors into giving up their contacts.”


You manage to say you’ll take her word for it, and try to browse, thoroughly distracted now…


What will Peppy actually do…?
