
Rules alongside Queen Ashe in the Crystal Isles


Gender - Female
 - 257
Sign - Capricorn
Height - 7'9"
Demeanor - Confident

Diana is someone with a presence that is hard to ignore, for better or worse. Her utmost confidence in everything she says and does makes her divisive for most people; they either see her as someone charming and reassuring, or stubborn and arrogant. As queen, her politics are similarly divisive. Unlike her wife, who will plan things meticulously without ruffling any feathers, Diana isn't afraid to take hard stances, no matter the consequences that may be wrought. She is very unpopular with the nobles and wealthy among the crystal region because she actively works toward helping the more commonfolk and less fortunate, making her a champion of the people. 

Despite their opposing personalities and political tactics, Diana and Ashe work surprisingly well together. Both commoners and nobles feel heard by at least one queen, and they balance each other's weaknesses. Ashe is a strong planner with great ideas for governing, and she can implement any policy without fear because Diana will present it as her idea and take any heat it might bring. They both want to see the crystal region and its inhabitants thrive, no matter their circumstances or status.

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