
Ruler of the Swamplands


Gender - goop (she/they/he/whatever)
 - 178 2
Sign - Libra
Height - 5'6-7'10 depending on the day
Demeanor - Lackadasical

Goolia was once known as Amalia Hesterwind.

 Like most of the royals from her generation, Amalia’s mother was quite paranoid, and had her only daughter raised in secret by her consort in a clan buried deep in the heart of the swampland. 


For most of her young life, Amalia was a reclusive queen. Quiet, stoic, and somewhat militaristic with how she ran her region, rarely interacting with other royals or nobles. Her secretiveness was the subject of many wild conspiracy theories from both her subjects and the larger dextroluma population. Rumours of occult magic, experimentation and involvement of corrupt dextroluma were rampant, but were never directly addressed on by the monarchy. 


Most of it was considered wild fantasy, that was until a strange bright mint-coloured dextroluma showed up on Amalia’s throne declaring herself the queen. 

There is no official story on what exactly happened to Amalia and how this goop monster ended up taking the throne after her succession. However the concession from the castle staff and the media is that they are in fact the same person, that in dealing with some unstable magic Queen Amalia somehow got herself turned into ectoplasm. 


 However Goolia and Amalia could not be more different from one another. Goolia is a proud and outgoing ruler, openly involved in her community and wearing her heart on her sleeve. She completely lacks Amalia’s cunning and tact, bumbling about the world seemingly blissfully unaware of the dangers present to her as a royal. Near indestructible, she’s not afraid of anything and will often be seen walking about the region without any escorts. Not that they could keep up with her if they tried.

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