Blossom Bloom

Store Owner
Owner of Strawberry Gardens!


Pronouns- She/Her
Age - 224
Sign - Virgo
Height - 5'4"
Demeanor - Gentle
Blossom is an Agriculturalist who has a vast array of knowledge on most of Aerius's flora. While often stationed in the Verdant Kingdom, she has been known to travel across the regions to gather and study the various flora of Aerius.
She comes from a family of agriculturists and a lineage of flora-based magic. Blossom has worked hard to develop methods of growing various flora, such as regional mushrooms, outside of their native environment so that Dextroluma who have moved from their region (either to a different region or off planet) can have access to their regional mushrooms. 
As a young adult Blossom lived on the outskirts of the Verdant Kingdom Capitol, Harmony, with her parents and younger siblings. She formed a close relationship with some of the humans who inhabited the city, often exchanging knowledge about Aerius's flora in return for learning about Earth's flora. She was fascinated by how similar yet different their planet's flora was and was amazed that humans lacked the same symbiosis with fungi that Dextroluma did. 
While making a trip to Harmony with her family, the city was attacked and the Queen was killed. Chaos soon befell the city, the humans she had once seen as friends were attacking the Dextroluma. After the attack on Harmony Blossom was forced to mature as the world around her was thrown into war. Now Blossom often takes on a nurturing role to those whom she meets. She is soft-spoken but welcoming and kind to everyone, though she struggles with helping herself and tends to focus more on helping others.
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