Muramasa Kita

King of the Blighted Wilds

Muramasa KITA

Gender - Male
 - Several Hundred years old
Sign - Aries
Height - 8'4"
Demeanor - Commanding

Muramasa is a warmonger and tyrannical king. He mainly focuses on his corrupt army; things like conscripting recruits (willingly or not), training them up and training them hard, as well as organizing and leading attacks on their neighbors. If any of his soldiers can't keep up, they will die, and he will feel no remorse.

Currently, Muramasa is focusing most of his attacks and resources on the Abyss region due to their shared border. Once he conquers them, he'll slowly conquer the rest, but he might not be able to resist marching straight to the Forest region afterwards. He wants to kill his son, King Nero, by his own hand and take his place. Only then will he be satisfied...

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