
<a href=" Castle Blueprints" class="display-item">Verdant Castle Blueprints</a>

Verdant Castle Blueprints

Category: Misc

Artist: Lunathyst

A set of blueprints for Verdant Castle that you discovered while investigating the Disappearance of Deja.


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<a href="" class="display-item">Footprints</a>


Category: Misc

Artist: intrepidloves

A set of goopy footprints you discovered while investigating the Disappearance of Deja.


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<a href=" Locket" class="display-item">Shattered Locket</a>

Shattered Locket

Category: Misc

Artist: intrepidloves

An utterly destroyed locket you discovered while investigating the Disappearance of Deja.


Purchaseable At:

<a href="!" class="display-item">Deja!</a>


Category: Misc


A shadowy silhouette of Deja's statue... it seems off... maybe you should take a closer look at 

To further investigate the statue, please go to your "inventory" and click "Deja!", make sure it's checked, then select "Open Box". 

<a href=" Token" class="display-item">Features Token</a>

Features Token

Category: Misc

Oooooo.... shiny coin...

This item is granted by the Featured Characters prompt. Obtaining 12 of them allows you to turn them in for one of the Features Ribbons!

<a href=" Bow" class="display-item">Green Bow</a>

Green Bow

Category: Misc

A bow... but Green!

This item is granted by the Features Bronze Ribbon and is required to obtain the Features Silver Ribbon.

<a href=" Bow" class="display-item">Blue Bow</a>

Blue Bow

Category: Misc

A bow... but Blue!

This item is granted by the Features Silver Ribbon and is required to obtain the Features Gold Ribbon.

<a href=" Bow" class="display-item">Red Bow</a>

Red Bow

Category: Misc

A bow... but Red!

This item is granted by the Features Gold Ribbon maybe it'll be used for a future award... best to hold onto it! 

<a href=" Gift Box" class="display-item">Mystery Gift Box</a>

Mystery Gift Box

Category: Boxes

Artist: Lunathyst


This box of goodies could contain just about anything... Open it to find out!

Opening the Mystery Gift Box may grant you a surprise! To collect your prize, please go to your "inventory" and click "Mystery Gift Box", make sure it's checked, then select "Open Box". 


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<a href=" Elixir Gift Box" class="display-item">Strong Elixir Gift Box</a>

Strong Elixir Gift Box

Category: Boxes

Artist: Lunathyst


A special box containing all the Strong Elixirs. Please handle it with care! 

To collect your Strong Elixirs, please go to your 'inventory' and click "Strong Elixir Gift Box", make sure it's checked, then select 'Open Box'. 

<a href=" Box" class="display-item">Cardboard Box</a>

Cardboard Box

Category: Boxes

Artist: Lunathyst


An old and worn cardboard box with holes poked in it, nothing too noteworthy. Upon closer inspection... the box seems to be moving?!

This item can be obtained by exploring Trash and Treasures. 

Opening the Cardboard Box may grant you a surprise! To collect your prize, please go to your "inventory" and click "Cardboard Box", make sure it's checked, then select "Open Box". 

<a href=" Box" class="display-item">Border Box</a>

Border Box

Category: Boxes

Artist: Lunathyst


What a pretty looking box! Let's see what's inside

Opening the Border Box will grant you one random border from all existing borders on site! It will grant NO duplicates. To collect your borders, please go to your "inventory" and click "Border Box", make sure it's checked, then select "Open Box". 

<a href=" Drawn Box" class="display-item">Poorly Drawn Box</a>

Poorly Drawn Box

Category: Boxes

Artist: PuffinDoodle


Huh... this isn't Dubious Mushroom Stew! Wonder what's inside of this thing... 

Opening the Poorly Draw Box may grant you a surprise! To collect your prize, please go to your "inventory" and click "Poorly Drawn Box", make sure it's checked, then select "Open Box". 

<a href=" Bag" class="display-item">Waterlogged Bag</a>

Waterlogged Bag

Category: Boxes

Artist: Lunathyst


Wait is this bag moving or am I seeing things...?

This item can be obtained by exploring The Tide Pools. 

Opening the Waterlogged Bag may grant you a surprise! To collect your prize, please go to your "inventory" and click "Waterlogged Bag", make sure it's checked, then select "Open Box". 

<a href=" Box" class="display-item">Crown Box</a>

Crown Box

Category: Boxes

Artist: Lunathyst


Anja happily rewards you  with a neatly beautiful bubbly box!  Congratulations on collecting all of the shells during the Seashell Soirée Event!

This item drops the Crown of Shells Award, 20 seashells, and 50 crystals upon opening. To collect your rewards, please go to your "inventory" and click "Crown Box", make sure it's checked, then select "Open Box". 

<a href=" Box" class="display-item">Take-Out Box</a>

Take-Out Box

Category: Boxes

Artist: Lunathyst

Choice Box

A neatly packaged take-out box!

This item drops a choice of one of the following:  Tidal Pasta, Abyssal Drop Cake, or Mango Sunrise upon opening. To collect your Reward , please go to your "inventory" and click "Take-Out Box", make sure it's checked, then select "Open Box". 

<a href=" Box" class="display-item">Novice Box</a>

Novice Box

Category: Boxes

Artist: Lunathyst


Ya like Books?

This item drops the Aerius Novice Award upon opening. To collect your reward, please go to your "inventory" and click "Novice Box", make sure it's checked, then select "Open Box".

<a href=" Sack" class="display-item">Grocery Sack</a>

Grocery Sack

Category: Boxes

Artist: Lunathyst


A sack of groceries from the forest and marketplace.

This grocery sack contains one guaranteed item for a regional dish that is found in the forest forage, one guaranteed item for a regional dish that is found in the marketplace forage, and a random item that could be from either forage and for either a regional dish or a standard dish.



Verdant Castle

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<a href=" Box" class="display-item">Amethyst Box</a>

Amethyst Box

Category: Boxes

Artist: Lunathyst


Thank you so much for supporting ♥

This box contains the following:

To collect your rewards, please go to your "inventory" and click "Amethyst Box", make sure it's checked, then select "Open Box". 

NOTE: This box will expire at the end of the month. Please open ASAP.



Supporter Shop

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