Not every sphere was satisfied with the decisions of their government, but in most, the dissatisfaction was that their government declined to entertain the idea of further retribution towards humans, or, for more hardline followers of Artisinal religions, that their government had softened its stance against the possessed.
Dimensa was the exception.
The lockettes of Dimensa were outraged by their government agreeing to ban humans, and by the way other governments treated the whole situation. Many felt that humans had been justified in what they had done, when lockette retribution was so violent and merciless, sparing not even human infants. Many businesses within Dimensa were also deeply impacted by the loss of humans and goods from Earth.
The revolution in Dimensa started small - pro-human lockettes quietly began to kill those who had participated in violence against humans within the nation.
It escalated, though, into an all-out war against their government.
The numbers of pro-human lockettes and anti-human lockettes might have been evenly matched had the pro-humans not started out killing their enemies quietly. Due to it, however, they had an advantage of numbers. Within about five years of the Last War, Dimensa’s existing government had all either been killed or had fled the sphere, and a new government of its revolutionary leaders was sworn into power. Gates to Earth were re-established, as well as trade.