Seashell Soirée

Verdant Castle

Observer:  It’s hard not to find yourself drawn back to the Verdant Castle once more. Who isn’t curious about how Queen Iola has been doing with her living stews - maybe now that it’s been a month, she knows why it is happening or can make something new…

Observer:  The room you first met her in is quite busy now, many others visiting today. Some are playing with recently created Stewy pets, others are eagerly looking over some of the other things on display.

Observer:  You’ve never seen the Queen’s guards in here before, but they are here now, all looking a bit awkward, and the Queen herself is nowhere in sight.

Observer:  As you wander looking for her, you hear the sound of Queen Iola crying behind the door.

Queen Iola:  “I don’t know why they’re not happening anymore! Did I use up my power?”

King Nero:  “Maybe… Maybe you just need time to recover it? Maybe a uh… break from cooking for a while?”

Observer:  You think that might be more desperation than just comforting his wife. April has probably been the longest the King has gone without having to eat his wife’s cooking, after all. Still, it’s odd that Queen Iola isn’t able to make more Stewys…

Observer:  Well, maybe if you could learn some more about magical development and powers you could find out why? It feels like maybe that would help comfort her some the next time you see her. You’re certainly not going to be interrupting them right now to try to help.

Rodeo Ruff Pets

Observer:  You swing the door to Rodeo Ruff Pets open and blink at the surprising disarray before you.

Boone:  “Charlotte, what in tarnation does this ‘sync’ step mean? I don’t think a sink is going to be fittin’ in these tanks…”

Observer:  You can hear a voice through his phone trying to explain to him exactly what that means.

Observer:  Well… You can still purchase the pets you could before, but it seems like it might be a bit before you can get the aqueous pets from him that are apparently being sold at the Seashell Soirée.

Strawberry Gardens

Observer:  A bell jingles overhead as you enter the new shop. It’s so cute on the outside, nicely painted white with pink trim, and the interior matches. Pretty flowers are nicely potted on tables near the door, but you spot another individual further in, crouching in front of a strawberry bush.

Observer:  As you draw closer, you recognize her as the dextroluma who ran the rewards booth for the Great Mushroom Harvest, so you greet her and ask if she is shopping.

Blossom:  “Oh, hello, I’m so happy to see you! And no, actually!”

Observer:  She smiles, looking excited, as she takes a breath and stretches her arms out.

Blossom:  “This is actually my shop! Strawberry Gardens. I finally got approved for it after my work during the Harvest, and I couldn’t be happier. Do you like it?”

Observer:  You assure her that you do, of course, and inquire about her jelluxi, amused as she makes a face.

Blossom:  “Petal is hiding in one of the bushes because I told her she couldn’t have another cookie and she’s mad at me…”

Blossom:  “But surely you didn’t come here to worry about bratty jelluxi, is there anything I can help you w- Petal!”

Observer:  Petal has emerged from a bush behind you and attached herself to your arm while she gives a sulky look towards her owner. Blossom sighs deeply, and extracts a cookie from her pocket…

Blossom:  “Fine, fine, just don’t make a habit of this, please…”

Seashell Soirée (Shop)

Observer:  As you approach the Eternal Palace, you’re not sure what to expect from the Seashell Soirée. You’ve been told that rank doesn’t matter as much down here, and that even the most formal events tend to be rather informal…

Observer:  …but it’s hard to believe it until you see Queen Anja floating above you, fiddling with an arch made of some sort of bioluminescent plant.

Queen Anja:  “Oh hello! I’m terribly sorry, could you help me out with this?”

Observer:  Well, you can’t ignore a literal Queen asking for help, so you swim up and help her. As you help arranging the tangle of plants, a seashell falls into your hands.

Queen Anja:  “Oooh, lucky, you’re getting an early start on the scavenger hunt.”

Observer:  A scavenger hunt at a soirée? That sounds a bit strange… but no, it does make sense. The Seashell Soirée was advertised as having fun activities, after all, for those who didn’t like dancing. It might not be what you expected but it does sound neat.

Queen Anja:  “We’ve got a booth just down here, I can show you the potential rewards in just a moment.”

Observer:  Once the arch is dealt with, she leads you down to the booth. There, you spot a beautiful crystal encrusted Dextroluma who you realize has been watching you intently.

Observer:  She is petting a tiburok who is trilling in her lap where she floats. This must be Queen Syndra… Hopefully she’s not mad at you.

Queen Anja:  “We’ve got a bunch of pets here that I’m told are difficult to get topside, since they need water to sleep in, but they’re really cute and sweet and we’ve managed to procure tanks for all the available ones to make sure their new owners can take good care of them.”

Queen Syndra:  Queen Anja nods eagerly, although you can’t help but feel like she’s saying something more… directed with that. Hopefully it’s nothing.

Observer:  Queen Anja nods eagerly, although you can’t help but feel like she’s saying something more… directed with that. Hopefully it’s nothing.

Queen Anja:  “Anyways, thank you so much for the help! We’ve got more duties to attend to, but I hope you have fun at the Soirée!”

Observer:  You thank them as well and now, seashells in hand, set off to look for more. You think it would be fun to get one of the new pets for yourself, after all.

Seashell Soirée (Daily)

Observer:  As you approach the scavenger hunt booth, you see you’re far from alone here.

Observer:  Many dextro are gathered around the booth, petting various tiburoks, whazers, and cephulus - and you think you even see a few gathered around an oddly watery stewy.

Observer:  Queen Anja catches your attention however, and you swim to her with relief to show the shells you have collected so far, doing your best not to feel too afraid of Queen Syndra and her tiburok behind Anja.

Queen Anja:  “Oh, you’re doing a great job! You’ve found so many already!”

Observer:  You watch her as she reaches into a basket and pulls out something to hand to you with a wink.

Queen Anja:  “Here’s a reward for what you’ve found so far - and you can keep visiting till the Soirée is over to get more prizes!”

Observer:  You thank her and hurriedly swim away, only realizing later that you didn’t look to see what you got - but it’s small in the bag, so it feels like it’s probably either a seashell or a crystal. Well, either is a nice option!

Nevermore Bookstore

Observer:  A new shop catches your eye, an elegant and gothic looking building declaring itself to be 'Nevermore Bookstore'.

Observer:  No one seems to be around inside, but the owners have left a jar where you can put your crystals for the offerings on the shelves.