
In book: Aerius Wildlife


Sizewise, most Ryuudle range from the size of an average humanoid arm to the size of a draphibian.  Blue nephian Ryuudles are the most abundant type, however, Ryuudle come in a number of different appearances, some of which seem to be influenced by seasons or even by strange magics. To see the currently available different types of Ryuudle, please visit the Encyclopedia.


Most wild Ryuudle live in the clouds of Lunaris.  They eat the mushrooms that grow in these clouds, and use the night sky as camouflage to conceal themselves from prey species.  However, there are very few of these wild spaces left for Ryuudles, due to the population density of Lunaris.  Most Ryuudles these days are domesticated pets, and are popular throughout the Nephian nations.  They have also gained immense popularity as a pet in the Crystal Isles after Queen Ashe was gifted one by the ruler of Lunaris.


Ryuudle are somewhat solitary creatures, although it's not unheard of to see them living in a small group, especially for very young and very old Ryuudles.


Wild Ryuudles eat a rather wide variety of things, ranging from mushrooms to small prey animals.  As a very omnivorous species, however, they are happy to eat anything placed before them.


Ryuudles are both predator and prey in their natural environment, where they act primarily as omnivorous opportunists, taking whatever opportunities they get.




Due to the effects of magic, Ryuudles owned by another species will live for as long as their owner does. A wild or feral Ryuudle will typically live between ten to twenty years.


Ryuudles can contract necrosis, however, it has been noted that corrupted ones seem to change from their original variety into something unique to their kind, as do cured ones. It is unknown why this is, but it is hypothesized to be an evolutionary adaptation to allow them to survive on a new mushroom diet, as corrupted and cured Ryuudles seem to need different mushrooms from their pure counterparts.

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