
In book: Aerius Wildlife


Sizewise, most phoomfs range from the size of a dime to the size of a small child's fist.  Sooty house phoomfs are the most abundant type, however, like all other wildlife on Aerius, they come in a number of different appearances, some of which seem to be influenced by seasons or even by strange magics. To see the currently available different types of phoomfs, please visit the Encyclopedia.


Sooty house phoomfs seem to be a sign of habitation all around Aerius, and are believed to stem from an interaction of dust and the magic of untrained individuals.  They only appear within inhabited buildings that do not receives frequent cleaning.  It is unknown what happens if a building dwelt in by phoomfs becomes uninhabited.


Phoomfs are generally shy creatures who try to avoid the sight of larger beings.  They feed on dust and other detritus for the most part, however they will typically keep a pile of dust or other debris somewhere in the place they live.  This acts as camouflage for the sooty house phoomf, allowing them to hide when frightened or for the purposes of sleep.  The piles can be quite small if only a singular phoomf is in a building, but can grow alarmingly large depending on the numbers of phoomfs within a location.  Even if they bond to an individual and become a pet, they like to have access to their little dust pile.


Phoomfs eat dust, cobwebs, crumbs, and other detritus that comes from being in the presence of living beings.  A sure sign of a phoomf in residence is that most of the building is wonderfully clean, despite residents of it rarely doing anything to keep it that way.


Phoomfs are not part of 'untouched nature', but seem to be formed from the interaction of dust and magic.  Their diet keeps buildings cleaner and safer for inhabitants of Aerius than they might otherwise be.  Of course, phoomfs alone cannot keep a building clean, but they will take care of the dust and small debris such as crumbs.


It is unknown how phoomfs reproduce, if they even do, as they are very difficult to study.


Phoomfs seem capable of living for as long as they are in a building inhabited by something with magical capabilities and with access to plenty of dust.


It is unknown if phoomfs can contract necrosis or not, as their innately magical origin makes them difficult to study.