Attack on the Verdant Kingdom - Week 1


Observer: Haven has been on edge since the discovery of the tunnel beneath Verdant Castle.
Observer: As you approach the Castle, you hear something that elicits a strange nervousness in you.
Observer: A laugh - cruel, and angry.
Observer: As you round a corner, you see four Dextroluma and a swarm of guards on each side. You recognize Queen Iola and King Nero positioned just in front of her easily - but the other two…
Observer: It has been a long time since Morgana or Muramasa was seen outside the Blighted Wilds, and but for their resemblance to King Nero, it might be hard to recognize them.
Morgana: “Oh Nero, we didn’t need to steal blueprints for this! Do you truly forget that your father and I built this palace that woman calls hers?”
Observer: King Nero looks somewhere between tired and livid as he looks at her.
King Nero: “I might accept that Muramasa had a role in it, but you? Don’t make me laugh. You were too busy visiting bedrooms to raise my sisters, let alone have any role in building this palace.”
Morgana: “That is an unacceptable way to address your mother!”
King Nero: “You lost the right to even call yourself my mother well before you became corrupt.”
Observer: Despite the things being said to his wife, you notice that Muramasa remains quiet.
Observer: And despite this interplay, you don’t think Morgana is actually all that hurt either.
Observer: If anything, you think she might be trying to provoke her son on purpose, though to what end you are uncertain…
Observer: Iola looks worried, but she seems to have planted herself firmly at her husband’s side. From the way her fin twitches, however, someone behind her must be speaking to her…
Observer: Eventually, Muramasa holds his hand up, quieting Morgana - something that draws King Nero’s brows together.
Muramasa: “Enough of this. We are here to deliver only a message. You are a powerful warrior, Nero, and your mother believes your place is with your family.”
Muramasa: “We have been blessed by Aerius with the chance to begin anew. Your recollections of your mother’s conduct when you were young are not incorrect, but there is much you do not know or understand.”
Muramasa: “If you and your sisters wish to join us, you have a grace period of a day to come do so before we take Haven by force, and kill those who have betrayed us.”
King Nero: “I note that is only her belief.”
Observer: You spy a faint smirk on Muramasa’s face.
Muramasa: “Come now, Nero, you need not state the obvious. You’ve stood by that simpleton too long, if you are incapable of understanding.”
Observer: You’ve already noted how King Nero has Queen Iola behind him, but now you see him tensing, before his wife presses a hand to his arm.
Queen Iola: “When I lost my mother, you were so kind and comforting to me, Muramasa. You advised me, cared for me, and helped me to withstand the pressure and the grief while we fought the humans.”
Queen Iola: “I loved you as my own family.”
Queen Iola: “For that, I offer you one chance in turn - leave, go back to your new home, and we will spare you for that old love.”
Observer: Morgana seems ready to yell something, but Muramasa just touches her hand and pointedly looks at King Nero, acting as though Queen Iola simply is not there.
Observer: She seems hurt for a moment before straightening her spine and schooling her face anyways, looking the regal queen even as she stands there barefoot, dressed simpler than even her own guard.
King Nero: “My answer is the same as what Fae told you last - no.”
King Nero: “Nothing you ever did for my sisters or I can excuse your cruelty, your violence, your madness, nor entice us to join you in a disease that will destroy our very species and planet if proliferated as you desire.”
Observer: Muramasa is outright smiling now. You… think that this must be what he had hoped for.
Muramasa: “You have your chance. Come, my love, we’ve preparations to make.”
Observer: As they leave, Morgana turns and screams before her husband can stop her.
Morgana: “You whore - I’ll take my son back no matter what! We will destroy you!”
Observer: Several guards seem poised to move at that, but Queen Iola gestures in negation, waiting until the pair and their soldiers are long out of hearing distance.
Queen Iola: “We need to make actual preparations to fight them. None of you have any gear to protect yourselves from contracting necrosis right now.”
King Nero: “She’s right…and we will need to call for reinforcements from other nations.”
Queen Iola: “We need to prepare swiftly. Neither of us named a proper time for this ‘grace period’ we each offered.”
King Nero: “Muramasa hoped we would, I believe so that he could launch an attack on us before ours would end.”
Queen Iola: “Yes, that is why I did not name the time. We need to get inside and get on top of this.”
Observer: They head into Verdant Castle, heads together. Even if they are upset and hurt by what just transpired, they seem resolved to focus on this fight before themselves.
Observer: Well… now you have to decide what you are going to do, don’t you?

Pay Respects

Observer: The Memorial Room is strangely unguarded when you enter it - but you understand after a moment.
Observer: The dais is still off to one side, the empty pedestal for Deja’s statue atop it.
Observer: Down below, you can hear guards and workers talking, stray bits of conversation floating up to you.
Observer: The workers are unsure if they can fully block the tunnel in time, and the guards are relieved there is any barrier at all.
Observer: No blood has been shed just yet, but the peace of the castle is shattered.
Observer: It seems a good time to ask for guidance, for blessing, even more than any other time…
Observer: There may be no statue here to offer your respects to, but nonetheless, you know what and who you might offer such respects to, should you desire.

Nero's Wheel of Fortune

Observer: The King and Queen are not here at the wheel, once again - no doubt, they are absorbed by the ongoing crisis.
Observer: Lalasa is still present, holding a pink stewy in her arms now with a worried face, but on seeing you she does her best to smile. It might be convincing if you couldn’t see she’s been crying.
Lalasa: “Sorry, King Nero and Queen Iola are busy with everything again…”
Observer: Her tone makes her anxiety clear, as well.
Observer: Trying to be casual, you ask about the stew, and are surprised when she chokes on a sob.
Lalasa: “Her Majesty… she hasn’t been able to make her normal stews since this all started… It’s the stress… I never thought I’d want them back, but I just-“
Lalasa: “It’s so scary right now. I could see the confrontation with the King’s parents outside, and I thought I was going to see her die…”
Lalasa: “And they’re planning for war now, and she tells me not to worry but how can I not worry when she’s so worried herself?”
Observer: The stewy rubs its little bowl and cheek against her face till she manages to calm down.
Lalasa: “Um, anyways, the stew option just… will give whatever the castle chefs have made today, for now…”
Lalasa: “Hopefully… hopefully things can be normal again soon…”

Attack on the verdant kingdom (Daily)

Observer: The armory in the Verdant Castle is abuzz with chatter as you arrive.
Observer: It doesn’t seem like it’s just soldiers and guards, to your surprise.
Observer: There’s a small old man taking a rifle off one of the walls and checking it with expert precision.
King Nero: “Good to see you, you look confused.”
Observer: You ask him why civilians are receiving arms, and he sighs.
King Nero: “One thing we know about how the corrupt army fights is that they are merciless - no one is safe from their weapons unless they wish to infect them.”
King Nero: “Much of Haven’s populace took up arms in our war with humans, and we would not deny them that right again with Morgana and Muramasa on our doorstep.”
King Nero: “They’re as much at risk of being killed as any of our soldiers or guards, should their army break through.”
Observer: Given that sobering fact, it seems you might want to pick up a weapon or two yourself - the only question is which one?
Observer: Well, there is one other question, actually…
Observer: Who will you wield your weapon in support of…?

Verdant Castle

Observer: The room smells wonderful, with bowls full of heartwarming stew strewn across every surface.
Observer: Queen Iola sits on a couch in the center of it, looking determined.
Observer: It is clear from the workpad in her hands that she is working on something - possibly a speech? Or letters to other rulers? Maybe evacuation plans, even…?
Observer: It’s hard to say what, exactly, without asking her, but you are loath to break her focus.
Observer: She has a pencil in her hands, and is frowning as she writes, occasionally seeming to cross things out and then rephrase them.
Observer: You decide it is best to leave her to it, and slip back out the door.

Crystal Casino

Observer: Amidst the typical chatter of the Crystal Casino, you hear a sudden shriek.
Observer: Like the rest of your roulette table, you turn at the sound, to see an elderly dextroluma clutching a phone with a shaking hand.
Queen Diana: “Madam, what is wrong?”
Observer: The Queen has cut through the crowd swiftly, before you ever registered she was there. Gently, she guides the elderly dextroluma to a seat, ordering a guard to bring some water.
Observer: The woman seems incapable of speaking at the moment, so Queen Diana takes the phone from her hands. Her face immediately darkens.
Observer: Over her shoulder, you can just make out an image of a corrupt army on the shores of what seems to be the Verdant Kingdom.
Queen Diana: “I’m glad we already prepared for this eventuality.”

Observer: The Queen gestures to the casino workers, beckoning one over.
Queen Diana: “Stay with her till she is alright, see her to a room on the house if necessary, she’s had quite a fright from a text someone sent her. I need to get to work, though.”
Observer: You watch as the Queen stands up, gently squeezing the old woman’s shoulder a moment as she turns the phone completely off.
Queen Diana: “Let me know how she is later.”
Observer: You wonder why she says nothing to the crowd of what has occurred, before realizing - she wants to make an official announcement, to head off any panic.
Observer: Whatever is happening, though, it can’t be good…

Abella's Boutique

Observer: When you arrive at the Boutique, you see a lockette guarding the doors.
Observer: She gives you a once-over, before turning her gaze away from you.
Observer: Curious, you head inside, wondering if Abella has decided to actually get help.
Observer: Inside, you see Abella staring at her phone with concern.
Abella: “Oh, hello…”
Observer: You ask her how she is handling the current situation, and she sighs deeply.
Abella: “Well, my… Someone close to me is very panicked about the news, and she’s trying to get me to leave the Verdant Kingdom until it is resolved.”
Abella: “I don’t know if I should or not… but I did call a few lockettes I know to appease her that I won’t be alone or unprotected, at least…”
Abella: “Stars, this is such a mess…”
Observer: You do your best to sympathize with her, although it is clear that there is a lot she is keeping to herself - such as who it is that is so panicked, as well as the names of the lockettes she called…
Observer: Hopefully, one day, you can learn those answers. It’s nice to know things.
Observer: At least, though, if you browse the shop, it gives you both some sense of normalcy.

Aerius Archives

Observer: There is a steady hum of activity within the archives as you enter.
Observer: Nepra and Symphony stand at the center of it, directing staff.
Nepra: “-that should be enough food to manage in case of an extended siege of the city.”
Symphony: “I’ll go with you to rearrange our cold storage rooms to store this.”
Nepra: “Do we have the emergency shelving ready down there?”
Observer: An employee nods in the affirmative, and Symphony then heads off with them, while another employee asks Nepra a question.
Nepra: “I was much younger when I knew Morgana and Muramasa, and they were very different people then. I do not know how they will behave now any more than anyone else does.”
Nepra: “All I can do is prepare the Archives as best as I can to keep our staff and families safe.”
Observer: It seems best to leave them all to it, you think, but you’re curious what the Archives will be like as things heat up…

Enchanted Elixirs

Observer: As soon as you set foot into the shop, you are greeted by Violet. She stands against the counter, a staff in her hands.
Violet: “It seems everyone enjoys pretending to normalcy in times of crisis. Fortunately for you, we are open.”
Observer: Curious, you ask her if that will change should things become worse.
Violet: “Perhaps, perhaps not. Our employer has quite a few rooms in this store, and I intend to grant shelter to uninvolved civilians should it be needed.”
Observer: You ask her if she is worried about how the corrupt army might handle things if they discover her doing that.
Violet: “Who says they’ll even be able to find this shop?”
Violet: “I have many skills beyond mixing potions and powders.”
Observer: You want to ask more, but the look she gives you suggests she won’t be giving up any such secrets.
Observer: Well, you can always browse here, or continue on to explore other stores…

Rodeo Ruff Pets

Observer: As you walk past the barn to the shopfront for Rodeo Ruff Pets, you startle at hearing a loud bang, which sounds like a gunshot.
Observer: Hurrying behind the barn, where it came from, you stare in surprise as you see Boone adjusting the arm of a pink-haired lockette who stands in front of a target range.
Boone: “You’re doing decent, but your elbow’s too stiff.”
Boone: “If you’re too stiff, it’s harder to keep firing as needed. Not something you want with an invasion beginning.”
Observer: The lockette nods, and does his best to relax and adjust.
Observer: After another loud bang, you decide to just… head into the store and wait.
Observer: Hopefully the sounds will be more muffled in there.

Strawberry Gardens

Observer: It’s strange to not be greeted by an animal when you step into Strawberry Gardens.
Observer: Stranger still, you don’t see or hear anyone or anything, at first.
Observer: Not till you get near to the office, where you can just barely hear Blossom.
Blossom: “I don’t know…”
Blossom: “I’ll think about it, though. It wouldn’t work for me long term, but… Well, I might at least send my pets up at least?”
Blossom: “I’ll let you know for sure once I’ve heard back from my siblings.”
Observer: Whatever is being discussed seems to be private business, and since it sounds like the conversation is ending, you decide to scoot away from the office and find something to occupy yourself with, lest Blossom catch you eavesdropping.

Decore Galore

Observer: It seems like Serena is finally back in Decore Galore.
Observer: You can hear her humming from where she seems to be working on a new display, till the ring of the bell of the door interrupts it.
Serena: “Welcome to Decore Galore! We’re shore happy to be back, aren’t we, Sir Bubbles and Lady Lagoona?”
Observer: The two hoppoppers trill cheerfully in response from where they laze on the counter.
Serena: “I didn’t mean to be gone for so long, but I got an opportunity to visit Maquette and well, I had to hoppopp on the chance fast.”
Serena: “Totally worth it, though it’s going to take me a bit to get everything unpacked and sorted from that…”
Serena: “Did you know they have whole floating islands? I saw a building where every section of it was somehow uphill, too.”
Observer: You demur the question, asking her instead how she enjoyed her trip.
Serena: “Oh, it was fintastic! I even brought a friend back - had to stop by the passport office for her and all, which was a bit of a time…”
Serena: “But it all worked out. I’d like to get her to hang out in the store some, but she’s a bit shy and skittish right now still. Hadn’t been outside her cave in a long time, I guess!”
Serena: “She’ll get used to it, though, and I can’t wait for her to get to meet people here!”
Serena: “How have things been on Aerius, though?”
Observer: You’re definitely curious about her new friend, but her question…
Observer: As you recount the disappearance of Deja’s statue and the recent appearance of Morgana and Muramasa in the Verdant Kingdom, her face not only falls but becomes truly worried.
Serena: “Oh… That’s- That’s a lot- A lot more than I expected…”
Serena: “Oh no…”
Serena: “I should have just… waited longer to bring her back…”
Observer: She seems to try to put back on her cheerful face from before, but it’s clear she is struggling.
Serena: “Well… I mean, it’s not like the Blighted Wilds’ army can be harder to beat than the humans, right…?”
Serena: “Hopefully…”
Observer: Still, it’s clear as she tries to go back to working on her display that she is unnerved - maybe even afraid. You feel bad that you had to be the one to break all the news to her…

Trash Kingdom

Observer: You aren’t entirely certain why your feet have led you back to this alley network full of trash and papier-mâché.
Observer: You were confused and horrified last time by it, but now it feels… more normal than present events.
Observer: At least till you hear an [adjective] voice speaking from somewhere above you.
Unidentified Voice: “Ooh, Muramasa and Morgana are in town? Hehe I wonder if they still remember me…”
Unidentified Voice: “I’ll have to pay them a visit to find out! Think they still have that nice tasty fabric for their capes?”
Second Voice: “I hope so, I really want to try it…”Observer: Despite the beautiful sound of the first voice, you find yourself quite disturbed by what they speak of…
Observer: You decide it is best to flee the scene, shuddering as you imagine the owners of the two voices just… eating your clothing right off of you. What a bizarre activity to partake in!
Observer: Honestly, maybe you should be more worried about Morgana and Muramasa than the actual Verdant Kingdom - or at least concerned they might be forced to show up to battle naked…
Observer: …maybe you should go find something to drink to forget that mental image, actually.

Nevermore Bookstore

Observer: Vincent and Keir appear grim as you arrive at Nevermore Bookstore, and you can quickly see why.
Observer: They appear to be in the process of attaching storm shutters over their windows and doors.
Keir: “While I fear these would not hold against the raccoons, I think these will be sufficient for a mortal army.”
Vincent: “Not indefinitely, perhaps, but hopefully for long enough to protect civilians and wounded.”
Keir: “I cannot say I anticipated a war on Aerius’ soil so soon after our arrival…”
Keir: “Are you worried about it? I know with your old life…”
Vincent: “I’ve already died once in battle, what’s another time?”
Vincent: “I’m a good deal more durable now, at least.”
Keir: “I suppose if it comes to it, we can always try to light ourselves on fire before passing, have a chance to be kipitins.”
Vincent: “Can you imagine the reactions of the army if we did?”
Keir: “I think a lot of dextroluma still think them to be myths, so I am sure the reactions would be priceless.”
Observer: Their words seem quite morbid to you, but, you are forced to recall - all dexettes have died once already, and it is generally presumed that lockette saura come from the deceased of other worlds as well.
Observer: Still, it’s unsettling to hear them joking about their possible deaths as they prepare their store for the coming storm…

Attack on the Verdant Kingdom (Shop)

Observer: You’ve found your way back to the store you found before, down far below Verdant Castle.
Observer: It is occupied now - dark-eyed soldiers stand around the walls, silent.
Observer: Morgana lounges on the counter, petting a scavenger who has perched next to her.
Morgana: “Well, well, what have we here?”
Morgana: “Are you a spy from the whore, or a soul ready to embrace the wonders of our beautiful corruption?”
Observer: You wonder again at why she is Like This about Queen Iola, but opt not to ask - it doesn’t seem a good idea.
Observer: Instead, you say that you were just curious to see them in a different setting, and that now you’re curious about the scavengers.
Morgana: “Oh, aren’t they beauties? One of the finest parts of my kingdom. They’ll be needed for the battle to come, to ensure no traces remain of the harlot and her supporters on Aerius’ soil.”
Observer: You guess that answers why she brought them, but… Well, they seem a bit more tame than her words suggest.
Morgana: “I suppose we can also sell them to those interested in discovering the joys of corruption.”
Observer: …you’re suddenly glad that your visits to Boone have inspired you to owning bite-proof gloves, because somehow, you suspect that means scavengers might transmit necrosis.
Observer: Not, of course, that this deters you from getting one… or more…
Observer: It would be a shame to see an animal and not find out if you can pet it, after all.