Attack on the Verdant Kingdom - Week 2

Story Update

Observer: The first clashes of soldiers of the Blighted Wilds and guards of the Verdant Kingdom have occurred now.
Well, strictly speaking, the Verdant Kingdom guards are not alone - they are supported by guards from most other nations of Aerius, especially the Crystal Isles and Great Sea of Sand.
You have watched, as you always do, of course.
Although the corrupt army have stuck to following the traditional way of warfare for Dextroluma so far, most defending the Verdant Kingdom seem on edge still…
King Nero paces in front of the board you saw him using during the hunt for Deja’s statue, which has been redone to track the process of the fighting.
King Nero:
“They aren’t going to stick to this for long…”
Queen Iola:
“They won’t bomb, at least.”
King Nero:
“…no, they won’t. They don’t want to rule rubble, and they know that would lead to the destruction of their ‘nation’. Galactica’s ruler has made that plenty clear.”
Queen Iola:
“It’s just a question of what other strategies they’ll come up with…”
King Nero:
“Mmm… They’ll become more dangerous as they lose more.”
King Nero:
“If they were who they once were, I would know what they might do…”
King Nero:
“But they aren’t, not in the slightest.”
Queen Iola:
“No, not anymore… The spores truly control them.”
There is quiet from the two of them for a moment.
Queen Iola:
“Still… What did Morgana usually do when she was losing an argument with Muramasa?”
The King frowns, gazing off into the distance for a long few moments.
King Nero:
“Well, when she was losing she usually just ran away to go fuck someone else.”
Queen Iola:
“Hmm… So we might want to make sure that main accesses to our neighbors are cut off.”
King Nero:
“…yes, definitely. If Muramasa holds more sway he’ll do something else, but if Morgana holds sway… Going after a kingdom she sees as more vulnerable is in the cards.”
Queen Iola:
“I’ll ask Kebechet… No, actually… Maybe I should ask Anja…”
King Nero:
You share his surprise. It is no secret to the world at large that Queen Iola and Queen Anja are not fond of each other.
Queen Iola:
“Whatever my issues with her, Syndra is extremely powerful, and could act to protect the Swamplands.”
Queen Iola:
“With Amalia’s condition still… complicated, it’s probably the best option.”
Queen Iola:
“I’ll… need to try to actually get a handle on what is going on with her after all of this is over.”
King Nero:
“One problem at a time, love.”
Queen Iola:
“Of course.”
The two of them begin to quiet now, considering matters.
Probably best to go play with the marshogs for a little bit while they think.

Pay Respects

Observer: The Memorial Room is eerily silent and empty.
You’re not sure how you got through the barricades on the Verdant Castle, honestly.
…or if you’re even awake, actually.
If you are, that means there is a glowing outline of Deja’s statue over the pedestal.
Well, that does sound like a weird magic thing that would happen on Aerius, so maybe you are awake after all. Though the symbolism seems a bit too on the nose for the waking world…
You suppose it doesn’t hurt to pay respects, regardless.

Nero's Wheel of Fortune

Observer: The Wheel sits near where the King and Queen are working on things, and Lalasa sits with it, surrounded by stewies.
“I don’t know how to make this sound fun anymore, but I guess we just do what we can to feel normal…”
She does her best to strike a fun pose, and can’t help but giggle when all the stewies attempt to mimic it.
“At least there’s these little guys…”
“Oh, um, right, the stew option still gives whatever we’re having for dinner today.”
“I… I feel insane saying I miss the old stews, but I hope they can return soon.”
“…will anything ever be the same again, even if they do…?”
You cannot offer her much comfort, beyond that most inhabitants of Haven saw their lives go up in flames once, and came through it.
“…yeah, you’re right. My Queen watched her mother die in front of her. This… It’s hard, but we can get through it. I can’t despair so quickly.”
“Then let’s spin this wheel. Maybe there’s something to trying to keep up our normal routines in the face of scary things.”

Attack on the verdant kingdom (Daily)

Observer: You decide to pay a visit to the large encampment where the corrupt army temporarily resides.
Observer: It’s not as neatly organized as you thought it would be - Muramasa was once renowned for his strictness and fastidiousness.
Observer: But these tents are not pitched in straight and organized lines, they don’t match, and even the soldiers seem to just… wear whatever the hell they have.
Observer: There’s some attempts to be more organized - and some soldiers clearly care, but it’s…
Observer: Well, most of them are conscripts, so you suppose it makes sense. They’re doing the bare minimum they can get away with doing.
Observer: Necrosis may drive those infected with it to spread the spores of the Elder Mushrooms, but most dextroluma stick to what their original personalities would have done towards that.
Observer: You wonder how pissed Muramasa is about the way his army acts, but despite looking, you don’t seem to find him…
Observer: …well, you do hear some very… suggestive noises outside the biggest tent in the encampment, but you’re not going to investigate that too closely.

Verdant Castle

Observer: Queen Iola seems to be preoccupied when you poke your head into the room you usually find her in.
Observer: She waves to you absently from where she works at a device, examining several angles of video footage.
Observer: There is a glow of sheer rings over her ears, which seem likely to be the newest model of ‘headphones’ from the Arcane Artifice - probably a piece of jewelry she wears and can activate with a tap.
Observer: You decide it is best to not interrupt her as you peruse the shelves. The grocery sacks seem like a really good idea right now, in particular.
Observer: While it might not ordinarily be dangerous to exit a city during a dextroluma war, there are rumors that the corrupt army have been capturing any dextroluma they see…
Observer: To what ends, no one is sure, beyond that they are probably corrupting all captives.

Crystal Casino

Observer: The mood of the casino is decidedly less buoyant than normal as you wander it.
Fewer dextroluma gather for games, and more tables sit empty than you have ever seen before.
Unexpectedly, you find yourself up against part of Queen Diana’s entourage.
Queen Diana:
“-no, I agree with you completely, my lady. We are confident in the success of Verdant Kingdom, but we’ll not be taking any chances with access to our nation.”
The imperious dextroluma she seems to be addressing seems to deflate, as though she had been prepared for a massive argument.
Queen Diana:
“Perhaps you would like to attend a meeting that my wife and I are holding soon to express your concerns better then?”
Queen Diana:
“We’ll be addressing some of my plans for the defense of the Crystal Isles, and Ashe’s plans to vet and manage any refugees who may come from the Verdant Kingdom.”
You have a sneaking suspicion that the other woman won’t attend.
Queen Diana:
“I believe it would be a more appropriate venue for your concerns than the hallway of a casino.”
The noblewoman looks as though she has just bitten something nasty as she gives her thanks to Queen Diana and makes an excuse to leave the conversation, looking even more annoyed to give a curtsy.
The Queen shakes her head as she watches the other woman walk off… and then, looking at you, winks.
Queen Diana:
“I don’t suppose you have a more unique complaint for me?”
Thinking quickly, you complain that she has such a cute suldra on her shoulder and you haven’t gotten to pet her.
She laughs loudly at that, and introduces her pet, holding her arm out so the suldra can lean down to sniff your hand.
Queen Diana:
“This is Babydoll, she was a gift from the rulers of Solaris and Lunaris for my anniversary. She’s kind of mischievous, but knows when to pack it up and act serious.”
She sighs for a moment, watching her pet, before drawing her arm back up, the suldra sitting back on the shoulder.
Queen Diana:
“I appreciate the complaint, I shall surely strive to do better. For now, though, onwards to more work…”
You watch her entourage head for one of the casino’s many exits, and wonder exactly what measures the Queens will be taking…

Rodeo Ruff Pets

Observer: The groan takes you aback as you step into Rodeo Ruff.
“Who the hell is selling scavengers as pets?”
You double take as you see him handling a very grumpy looking scavenger whose beak has been covered with a muzzle.
“Bloody idiots begging to get necrosis just by handling them and cleaning up their crap…”
The scavenger makes a noise that registers as sad to you, and he gives it a Look.
“Yes, I know, it’s not your fault. You’re just an animal that works the way you’re meant to, after all. Your owner gave you up to me for a reason, though, she just doesn’t know how to take care of you.”
The scavenger shuffles on the counter, fluffing their feathers up and hunkering down.
He sighs, petting it.
“We’ll figure something out, I’m not gonna give you off to somebody inexperienced like whoever sold you…”
He finally waves at you.
“She can’t bite you right now, so no worries about that. Some idiot’s out there selling scavengers to people who don’t realize they can corrupt them.”
“This lady got surrendered to me because cleaning up her waste got her owner corrupted.”
“Seller isn’t warning buyers that they need special products and protective gear to take care of one.”
“I can’t just kill her for being what she is, and I sure can’t get her back to the Blighted Wilds, so I’ve got Milk coming in soon to pick her up. He’ll look after her till we have an enclosure set up for her.”
“…her and the dozens of other surrenders I suspect I’ll wind up taking till I track down this bastard selling them.”
You decide that it is best to not tell him that Morgana is the one selling them… You don’t… want to see how that would go.

Strawberry Gardens

Observer: As you enter Strawberry Gardens, you see a few dextroluma who look strikingly like Blossom ahead of you, clustered around the counter.
Petal distracts you before you can actually count them or ask them if they’re related to Blossom.
Evidently, despite the plethora of people to pet her, she is simply languishing for attention and affection, because nobody loves her and everyone wants to pay attention to Poppy the pupper instead.
You give the jealous little jelluxi pets as you browse, noticing as you do that the dextroluma at the counter are walking off to her office.
Just barely, you can hear Blossom…
“Petal, where did you go? You know they’ll give you attention once they’ve all met Poppy…”
You wave, and soon, Blossom is on her way over to you.
“Thank you, she’s so… Petal, just because my siblings wanted to say hi to the new pupper doesn’t mean they hate you…”
Judging by the way Petal crosses her tentacles and sulks, she clearly believes otherwise.
“Great mushrooms… Come on, just come on to the back. I don’t want you wandering out here unattended, okay?”
“Right, if there’s anything you need, just ring the bell at the counter and I’ll be right out. I normally wouldn’t do this, but with things as they are…”
“I wanted to make sure my siblings who live in Haven aren’t out at the outskirts of the city. I know we’re winning right now, but I just want to be careful. So I’m setting up some beds for them back at my place, and just getting them to hang out in the office till closing time.”
You express your understanding and she looks relieved.
“Thank you! You’re the best. Let me know if there’s anything you need!”
She hurries off to the office, bringing Petal with her.
Honestly, you’re not sure if Petal is supposed to entertain the siblings while they wait for closing time or if the siblings are supposed to entertain Petal.
Well, it’ll probably be entertaining for you at least… They’re only in the office until Petal decides to make a break for it, after all.

Trash Kingdom

Observer: Fear strikes your heart as you find yourself once more among the papier-mâché replica of Verdant Kingdom.
The note you found at your bedside the day after Morgana and Muramasa revealed themselves has not exactly helped you to be less freaked out by this ‘Trash King’ figure…
…and the fact you hear the sounds of chewing…
…especially after that conversation you overheard the last time you were here…
Chill Voice:
“Morgy’s gloves really are just as tasty as you said!”
Angelic Voice:
“It’s a lucky break that Masamasa swept her off to fuck so quickly. It’s way easier to get teeth on her skirt or his coat than it is to get to the gloves or stockings.”
Angelic Voice:
“But the gloves and stockings are just the tastiest.”
…you’re going home now. Walking fast, garbages passes, you’re going home now.
You don’t want to think what kind of mood ‘Morgy’ is going to be in next time you see her…

Attack on the Verdant Kingdom (Shop)

Observer: To your surprise, Morgana welcomes you back to the shop.
Observer: She sits provocatively on the shop’s counter, bones in her thigh visible to all.
Morgana: “Have we surprised you with this fight?”
Observer: As you draw closer, you see she has been watching a news program on a portable device.
Observer: It’s frozen over a captioned image of a news anchor proclaiming surprise that the corrupt army is following traditional warfare practices.
Morgana: “You’d think they think we’re humans, not dextroluma.”
Morgana: “What purpose would destroying ‘Haven’ serve, really? Spineless idiots think slightly different eyes makes someone into a monster.”
Observer: Considering some of the rumors you’ve been hearing about her dungeons beneath the Corrupt Court, you don’t know if that characterization would be inaccurate…
Observer: …but you’re equally certain you won’t be saying that much to her.
Morgana: “It’s all that stupid whore’s fault, anyways. I always knew she was too weak to rule.”
Morgana: “It’s why we engaged Nero to her in the first place. He’d rule, and we would prosper because of him.”
Morgana: “She was cleverer than I thought, though - sending us off to what she meant to be our deaths…”
Observer: Morgana laughs, and you can hear quite clearly how distant she has become from reality in the sound.
Morgana: “She would have Nero all to herself, and no one else to keep her from doing stupid things like appointing a dilettante and a mafia bitch to rule the wealthiest nation on Aerius.”
Morgana: “But Muramasa and I are built different, and we survived. We thrived, and we saw the future of our kind in this ‘corruption’.”
Morgana: “We will have our power, and I will ensure my son returns to the arms of his parents as he should.”
Observer: As you glance around, you note how carefully every soldier avoids eye contact.
Observer: Muramasa, entering the shop with a streak of orange blood on his face, just shakes his head at you, before moving in to sweep Morgana off the counter and into his arms. They kiss, quite passionately.
Observer: How odd, according to accounts they seemed to hate each other before contracting necrosis, yet now they seem quite in love.
Observer: He strides off with her in his arms, freeing you from the conversation at least.
Observer: Maybe you can get some more scavengers while she is busy…

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