Gender & Sexuality
Dextroluma have similar incidences of being born intersex and being trans to what humans do, as their definitions for gender and what is assigned at birth tend to fall along lines that are roughly similar to humans. However, no culture on Aerius ever historically developed beliefs equating any gender as lesser. Historically, there have been many identities for gender, including a number of transgender identities equivalent to human ones.
Gender identities on Aerius are generally respected fully without any need for surgeries or magical changes, although surgeries and magical aids are available for anyone who desires them, and such surgeries are not limited solely to those transitioning. Sometimes someone just wants a different type of penis, after all. Gender is not made note of by government identification documents or generally considered particularly relevant for much besides dating.
Sexuality has historically had a similarly broad spectrum of accepted identities. Before the advent of technological and magical solutions to allow reproduction between individuals with the same configurations of genitalia and reproductive organs, the upper classes did have some biases against same gender attractions, but generally it was seen as alright so long as their children were willing to produce heirs with a selected individual.
While some groups of humans did attempt - both consciously and unconsciously - to instill biases based on gender and sexuality into the Dextroluma they encountered, such attempts were generally fruitless. There may be some families or individuals who took on those beliefs, but it is quite uncommon and most Dextroluma disapprove of those who follow human beliefs.