Possessions & Society

In book: Saura & Shells

Until the last two centuries (approximately), saura types other than ‘standard’ saura were widely discriminated against.  Inky saura was believed to be a possession, and malformed saura had not even been properly identified.

Laws against the possessed were widespread - it was allowed to refuse them housing and services of all sorts.  Most spheres and their settlements would drive possessed lockettes out - even violently, and it was legal across Maquette to experiment on them.  While there were occasional campaigns for non-discrimination laws, they were generally met with laughter or with hostile resistance in most spheres.

This changed with the Last War.  While the details of that war are better summarized in a proper historical text, the spark that led to the Last War was the discovery of the kinds of experiments humans were running on saura, regular lockettes, and possessed lockettes alike.  After the war was over, there had been a cultural shift across Maquette - inked lockettes, once feared and reviled, were seen as needing protection, as their slowness had heavily disadvantaged them against humans.  Possessed lockettes, too, were seen in a better light, perhaps due to the fact that, when fighting against an enemy, they were quite effective at handling far more enemies than most lockettes.

The landscape today is much more friendly to inked and possessed lockettes than ever before.  While there are still occasional spheres, towns, landlords, and places of business that will refuse service to inked and/or possessed lockettes, they are few and far between, and may be penalized for their refusal of service if the lockette was not actually threatening them.

Inked lockettes have benefitted the most from this, as diminished fear of them has allowed better understanding of their nature.  It is quite unusual to find a younger lockette who carries prejudice against the inked instead of seeing them as simply a different way to be a lockette.

Lockettes with simple myst possessions are significantly less feared as well.  There is still some wariness in how most interact with them, but they are not typically considered a danger based solely upon their possession.

Lockettes with frenzied and/or infested possessions are still feared more strongly, particularly those with frenzied possessions.  They are still able to function societally, and do not necessarily need to hide their possessions to get by… but concealing it can certainly make their lives safer and easier.  Lockettes with frenzied and/or infested possessions have often found Aerius to be a more welcoming environment for them to live, despite the occasional difficulties in navigating the possession vetting process of the Passport Office.  On Aerius, having extra eyes or mouths is seen as a bit unusual, but nothing worth fearing.

Malformed lockettes are the most discriminated against group, across not only Maquette but every place it intersects with.  As they cannot sustain themselves without feeding on the life energy of other living beings, they are seen as a threat no matter where they go.  Few survive to even a century, although occasionally a case pops up of one who has been around for many centuries.  Some find ways to achieve their sustenance relatively peacefully - partners with excess saura who will allow them to sip little bits of it, employment as a sort of ‘grim reaper’ to those already dying who wish to be free of their pain, or working as hunters or slaughterhouse workers who take life from an animal not with a weapon but by their energy.  Others flock to the depraved and the dangerous, hoping that if they are useful in disposing of a master’s enemies for their sustenance, they will be able to survive.  There are some experiments with saura donation clinics currently ongoing, but at present, not many lockettes are interested in the idea of donating their saura.