Favorite Games Introduction
At Modern Gamer, we love every flavor of game imaginable. Physical games, video games, VR games, AR games… We love them all. (Admittedly, this list doesn’t have any VR or AR games on it this year because none actually came out this year - gotta love those like two to three decade dev times… We’ll just hole up with Skimary 17 from last decade until Skimary 18 releases…)
Some of these are not totally new and are on here due to releasing expansions - hello to Cherion’s new Stewy expansions and Warriors of Oasis’s new Dawnwalker expansion. Some of them just barely released in time for us to play them and decide they were favorites - yes, we’re looking at you, Forensic Technician. Real cute coming out two days before our deadline… (We played for 47 hours straight and finished this with seconds to spare, sorry to our editor).
And yes, before you ask, we are about to start playing Suldra Era: Genesis, but it released too late for us to actually include it on this list. Okay? Okay? Don’t yell at us in the comments for it.