Every time we publish this list, we get comments like “ugh drop the non-fiction, it’s soooo boring”. To you guys already queueing up the same copy-pasted comment, we say: you’re boring, and clueless to boot. Non-Fiction helps us to learn about and understand the worlds around us and the events, people, and movements that have shaped our times. Try reading some non-fiction, we promise it’ll enrich your mind.
Although Humanity is something of a dry read, it makes up for its lack of entertainment value with a very serious analysis about human history and mindsets, and how a lack of understanding of these things led to Queen Deja’s fatal mistakes in her handling of the species. While some will say there are no possible excuses for what humans did, we think it is worth exploring their reasoning and background regardless. Like it or not, we still share the same galaxy.
Who hasn’t written a biography on Queen Suvi Verre at this point? There’s enough of them they have their own section in most libraries and bookstores, at this point. Still, the fascination persists with the woman who cemented her dynasty as the rulers of a united Aerius. In Verre, the focus is not only on Suvi herself, but on the marks she left on her descendants, and how her philosophies on life, outlined in her journals, letters, and speeches, built one of the longest lasting dynasties known in the galaxy.
Well over a century before the Last War, tensions had begun to brew between lockettes and humans. As the doorways between Maquette and Earth grew more stable, the two species began to live side by side - but despite pretenses to the contrary, author Silence asserts that both species knew this wouldn’t last forever. In Wargames, he examines the preparations both species made for their eventual war.