Verdant Kingdom (Forest)

The Verdant Kingdom covers an extensive portion of Aerius. Ruled by Queen Iola and King Nero, it is generally considered one of the safest nations.

There are numerous towns, cities, and villages throughout the nation.  Verdant settlements typically favor low impact on their environment in what they build, and generally try to avoid chopping down any trees - unless they're an invasive species from Earth or deemed a potential risk to other trees by the potential to fall or disease.  Although there are some lumber farms, they typically employ coppiceing and rotational harvests to avoid over-cutting in any one area.

That said, don't trick yourself into thinking the Verdant Kingdom is somehow lagging technologically.  While few nations on Aerius have the same levels of technology as Galactica or the Arcane Artifice, the Verdant Kingdom - and indeed every other nation on the planet - have access to all sorts of technology, ranging from things created within Aerius' nations to technologies imported from other species.

The Verdant Kingdom's primary exports to other nations tend to be agricultural in nature, but in such a large kingdom, there's a great deal of variety in what the citizens are making and doing, and you can find someone doing pretty much anything you can imagine, as long as you take the time to search.