Blighted Wilds (Corrupt)

Once believed to be an uncontacted region, the expedition to this land was destroyed by the team contracting necrosis. Now, it has become a nation of violence under the rule of Queen Morgana and King Muramasa.

The Blighted Wilds are a strange and twisted place.  The settlements are few and far between, as the Royals' violent ambitions lead them to attempt to control the population.  What use is an army that is spread out, out of reach?  Still, there are many places within the wilds that they do not control, even if they claim ownership of them.  None of the populace is actually from the Blighted Wilds.  So far as it can be determined, no dextroluma have lived on these plains for a long time, although there are ruins that suggest inhabitants resided here once.  There are frequent spore fogs that roll through and are genuinely believed to come from the so-called Elder Mushrooms that continue to erode the borders between the Eternal Depths and the Blighted Wilds.  The spore fogs are unpredictable and will infect any dextroluma who are unlucky enough to encounter them without suitable protection against breathing them in or having them get into open wounds.  Dextroluma with necrosis may sometimes find their symptoms grow temporarily worse after a spore fog, but it is generally manageable.

Life here isn't that much different in some ways - there's still technology available, though it isn't always new or undamaged...or usable.  The Royals' ambitions don't necessarily include reliable cellphone service.  While most food grown in the Wilds will contract necrosis, dextroluma manage to conduct trades across the ocean anyways - for food itself as well as for non-native soils that can safely grow mushrooms not native to the Wilds.  There is little in the way of laws here, something made all the more dangerous by necrosis driving violent behavior in much of the populace.

Still, it's not purely bad or evil, as much as one might easily conclude that from hearing the residents referred to as 'corrupted'.  Ultimately, most of them are just ordinary people trying to survive as best as they can under rulers who simply see them as pawns.  There is still love, there is still kindness here, just as there is still violence and cruelty in the lands of the 'pure'.