Crystal Isles (Crystal)

The Crystal Isles are popularly considered a haven of beauty and safety. Things are perhaps more complex there than they seem, however...

The Isles orbit Aerius within its atmosphere, and are believed to have been launched into the sky back when Aerius' moons formed.  Before the teleporters for it were invented, it used to be quite difficult for anyone to visit the Isles or to leave them without some complex math to determine the location at the time they would want to arrive.  Nowadays, it is much simpler - any dextroluma with a crystal horn or anyone with a portable access key is able to connect from one teleporter in the network to another.  Teleporters are located in most nations, except for the Blighted Wilds, under careful guard, to make travel easy for visitors and residents alike.  Portable access keys require an application to the government of the Crystal Isles, as their use is carefully monitored for safety.

The Crystal Isles tend to have first access to technologies from Galactica and the Arcane Artifice due to the nearness of their nations.  The populace tends to prioritize form over function in many cases.  It's not that they don't appreciate practicality, it's simply that their culture places an extremely high value on aesthetics.

The history of the Crystal Isles is a bit more turbulent than one might expect, based on all of that - they're currently the only nation to have seen a true attack by the corrupted, and they've ousted their own Royals before for embezzlement and other crimes.  Additionally, they are one of the least friendly nations towards cured dextroluma, and have one of the greatest wealth disparities between their commoners and nobility.