Swamplands (Swamp)

The Swamplands are an oft-overlooked nation south of the Forest Kingdom. Although they are generally a quiet place, those who have visited have found that they are stunning and not nearly as ominous as rumors might suggest.

The Swamp is generally quite similar to the Forest Kingdom, environmentally and in terms of the mindset of its populace.  They try very hard to be in harmony with the land they live in, and to avoid disrupting it overly much for their own uses.  Fauna there can be wild and dangerous compared to other nations, but the populace here takes it in stride and seems to feel that if anyone encounters problems with their fauna, the individual in trouble is likely to have brought it on themselves by not heeding warnings or good sense.

That said, of course, they do cultivate plenty of plantlife, from growing the mushrooms all Dextroluma need to survive to cultviating fruits and other products of agriculture.  Fishing is a popular activity that adds to their diets, although it is generally kept local compared to some nations that have specific fisheries for broader distribution.

Some think that the Swamplands aren't proactive enough about modernizing.  While all modern technology is available, there's not been the same kind of widespread adoption of it or infrastructure created to support it as in other regions.  If someone is the first Dextroluma in their town to get a new type of device, they may also have to do the legwork to get whatever support structure it needs up and accessible.  Most towns and cities do have the basics of power and communication device infrastructures,  at least, but some communities do seem to resist any changes.  (Most Swamplands residents would say it's the same everywhere and that other nations just tend to fixate on it for the Swamplands because it lets them think of their nation as better than the Swamp, though...)

There are a lot of rumors of strange occurrences here and dangerous things here, but it's fine.  Probably.