Mephiticity (Mephiticity)

Mephiticity is a vast city far to the west of Anchorage, full of noxious fumes, clockwork technology, and everything neon.

Mephiticity is a sprawling nightmare of alleys and buldings built atop one another, with little rhyme or reason. It has numerous districts, and an impossible number of hidey holes and crevices. Above it all rises an ominous laboratory, operated by the sphere's mysterious creator. Mephiticity is largely lawless, with no widely recognized bureaucracy and no municipal codes. Organised crime, gangs, experimentation and unethical business practices all run rampant. There is one rule, don't mess with Mephitic infrustructure. You'll pay for it dearly.

Organics are typically advised not to live in Mephiticity, as the smog is extremely carcinogenic.

The sphere of Mephiticity has the following settings or conditions:

    • It can only be traveled to by Mephitic owned and operated vehciles. Namely the bullet train, shuttle bus and air ships that run in and out of the city - all of which are unmanned and seem to operate on their own. You could also walk, if you can find a way in. 
    • Nearly all levels of technology function within it - from medieval looms to advanced spaceships.  All levels of technology can enter it. 
    • All levels of medical care are possible - prosthetics, typical treatment of illnesses, artificial wombs, etc. Be careful, however. There may be untoward side effects.
    • Mephiticity does not experience seasons in a typical manner.  It is generally set at the crossroads of summer and autumn, the most extreme weather you can expect is a mild thunder storm and the occational acid rain.
    • It is almost always night in Mephiticity, but every once in a while the sun appears to jumpscare the populace.
    • Decay is possible - if a piece of meat is left out, it will grow rotten.
    • Mephiticity will change items brought into it, if left unchecked.  It's recommended to take anything valuable out to Anchorage at least once a year, lest the item become begin to stain and grow strange wires, vents, and/or pumps.  Items that have begun this process can sometimes be salvaged by immediate removal from the sphere, but it's not a guarantee.
    • In the upper reaches of the city, things like gravity and space behave 'normally' (akin to somewhere like Key or Earth).  Below the ground of Mephiticity, the settings change.