The Eternal Depths (Abyss)

The Eternal Depths are generally believed to be the origin of the Dextroluma species. Nowadays, despite their immense size, they're one of the less populous nations.

Additionally, the Eternal Depths have a reputation of being... unsafe, perhaps dangerous even.  There are many reasons for this, but most prominently is that necrosis from the Blighted Wilds permeates the waters nearby to it, all the way to the abyssal floor.  Corrupted Dextroluma are more tolerated than in other nations, with less pressure to be cured if they do not wish it, so long as they aren't harming anyone.  Cured Dextroluma are treated pretty much the same as Pure ones.  Things are a bit different when everyone knows they're just one bad mushroom or accidental swim into dark waters away from contracting necrosis themselves.

Things grow very large in the Depths.  Draphibians are known to get as long as twenty feet down here, and there have been reports of Dextroluma achieving the same sizes - and even rumors and claims of larger, though the forty foot tall skeleton kept in a museum on Earth for over a century was finally debunked as a fake recently.  That's not to say there might not be one out there somewhere, however...  Dextroluma down here also tend to live longer than other nations.  There's not as much migration between the Depths and other nations either - individuals from the surface or above find the pressure of the Eternal Depths difficult to adjust to, and individuals from the Depths tend to struggle with adjusting to the lower pressures above the lowest reaches of the Realm of Tides.  There are ways, of course - magical dry rooms with pressurization adjusters are available, and from the advent of crystal teleporters, have been used for both those using the teleporters as well as for those who would like to try their fins at going ashore more normally.  (Speaking of the Crystal Isles, those teleporters have allowed for a unique relationship to develop between the two nations due to making the Crystal Isles the easiest nation for citizens of the Depths to visit).

The Depths don't engage too much in widespread trade.  They cultivate their own foods, they have scientists who work painstakingly to convert technologies not created for the water into something that can be used by the populace...  Though it can be frustrating to Depths dwellers that their nation (and that of the Realm of Tides) are so rarely taken into account by creators of every sort, they take pride in the fact that despite this, they have some of the most technologically advanced cities on Aerius outside of the Arcane Artifice and Galactica.  After all, since every device has to be reconstructed from the ground up to work, a lot more is learned than if they could simply implement everything as is.