Solaris (Air Day)
Of course, it's not only Dextroluma who live in Solaris - it's actually quite popular among other species. Outside of Galactica, it's the one of the best places to find extraterrestrial cuisines and goods - well, besides its sister, Lunaris.
Solaris' primary export to other nations is food, especially out of season food. Due to its rotation, it doesn't experience much in the way of seasons, and food is able to grow quite rapidly. While they have less space for farming than Aerius' other primary agricultural hub of the Verdant Kingdom, the rapid growth ensures they are on even footing.
Technologically, they are quite modern, although some technologies have to be reconstructed to work well on the clouds - as a result, the populace usually turns more to magical technologies than to scientific ones. You just can't properly ground a wire without actual ground...
Solaris traditional history states that the original first inhabitants of their clouds believed they had found their way to the sun at first, certain that the perpetual daytime on the clouds meant they were on the sun. Even after realizing otherwise, the inhabitants developed a strong affinity for the sun and use its names heavily for every resource found there. Some eras of Solaris' history also include the worship of the sun, and although this has diminished some, most farmers still keep little shrines in their fields and there are several temples for this worship found through the nation.