The Sky Barrier (Mountain)

Some of the Sky Barrier's peaks stretch almost to the end of Aerius' atmosphere - but not all. The mountains seem like a monolith from below, but they're actually one of the most diverse nations on Aerius.

From the peaks that extend nearly to Galactica to the low plateaus and the so-called sky islands of lush forests or the underground cave cities, the Sky Barrier has a range of biomes almost as vast as its own length.  Outsiders might question why they are even considered the same nation - but that is without the historical understanding of how Aerius has traditionally created its nations or its Royals.

Technology in these environments ranges vastly as well - many communities have adapted to modern standards, but there are plenty that seem like they have stepped out of the distant past as well as those who seem to have been rebuilt from the ground up by the Arcane Artifice or Galactica.  If you aren't doing your research beforehand, it's hard to guess what you'll find in any given town, even though the government has generally tried to help smooth the way to keep the nation better connected.

The Sky Barrier has the largest population of nunukes on Aerius, as many of the species have found cave systems in the mountains to be reminiscent of home and have wound up moving into existing towns or cities in those caves or creating their own.

The Sky Barrier has quite the range of both imports and exports, but much of the business it sees is actually bound for (or from) the twin nations of Solaris and Lunaris.  Paths through one mountain have been dug to expedite the transportation of goods to and from these nations during their daily passes of the Barrier town of Cirrus.